What about Planet X in 2012? Is it visible yet?
2008-11-10 12:20:49 UTC
Is Nibiru aka Planet X approaching in 2012? Will their be calamities that result in the Return and does this coincide with bible prophecy? Will there be a pole shift or what?
Not only christian but hopi, mayan and like 9 other religions? What are your thought regarding this issue?
Twelve answers:
2008-11-10 12:27:03 UTC
possibly it is really far though if you look it up and ask you can probably get your answer and plus people keep saying the world is going to end in 2012 because planet neberu is gonna pass and that is going cause natural disasters im only 11 but im am very smart when it comes to science and math but if you want you can delete this....
2008-11-10 19:58:22 UTC
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son"

-Dean Wormer

You really DON'T want proof. If you had proof you would have to either change your mind or ignore it, two things you don't want to do, one because you are lazy the second because you can't change what you don't have.

Nibiru does not exist. This is not an opinion or a guess... it is fact. You say (now, stick to your words, otherwise you would be a hypocrite) that 7,000 years ago the Sumerians record Nibiru making an appearance in the Solar System. Okay... as nutty as that is, let's assume it happened.

How then, can Venus have a eccentricity of only 0.006? Venus' orbit is only 3 degrees off the equatorial plane of the Sun's.

If Nibiru ploughed through the Solar System, don't you think (there I go again, using the "T" word) that it would leave a record behind? You are suggesting the equivalent of bowling a strike and leaving all 10 pins sitting back in place.

The only possible explanation for Nibiru is that it has never wandered through the Solar System and some mentally unstable person DREAMED about it.

I have dreams like that sometime, too, but they usually involve Lynda Carter dressed as Wonder Woman, tying me up with her Golden Lasso.

get the Jonathan Swift quote correct please "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."

btw, Nibiru was the home of the Babylonian God Marduk (Amar Utu in Sumer)... "generally accepted as referring to the planet Jupiter", according to Wiki. So, its not like you were TOTALLY wrong.
2008-11-10 13:45:09 UTC
We are told that Nibiru is the size of the Earth, is in a 3600 year orbit and will arrive at its closest point to the sun in December 2012. I have programmed this into a planetarium program and it tells me that Nibiru is now 13.4 astronomical units from the Sun and is at magnitude 7.3, making it easily visible in binoculars. No such object has been seen, so somebody is telling lies.

No religions say anything about 2012. If you disagree, kindly provide quotes and references from the relevant texts.

Reagarding your later note, no-one can prove it doesn't exist because that would mean proving a negative, which is impossible. All we can do is ask people who say it does exist to provide evidence. So far, they have failed to do so.

In response to your second later note, I am not giving a knee-jerk response, but a carefully thought out one. As I said, I can't prove it doesn't exist. If you believe it exists, then go ahead and provide the proof. You could start by giving us its coordinates in the sky, so we could all look at it.
2008-11-10 12:59:16 UTC
If it would be approaching, it should be visible already, as it's maximum possible distance would be 11 AU, just like Saturn - but it isn't.

Which Bible prophecy do you mean? The bible does not even consider the Earth could have poles which could shift!

And the other religions also don't contain such bullshit. This stuff is an religion of its own, as there is no reason to even start believing that something like that could happen. Somebody just started it as fiction and many people took it for fact.
2008-11-10 12:26:54 UTC
Planet X was a hypothetical planet that should have explained the "wobble" in Uranus's and Neptune's orbits. These wobbles have now been explained, so this planet X is no longer a valid theory.

Nibiru is a myth; it does not exist. If it did, it would have been announced by astronomers, and they would be monitoring it. Apophis was the most dangerous asteroid so far, (reaching 4 on a 10-point danger scale) and is now relegated to 0 status, meaning no danger at all.

2012 is the end of the 13th baktun cycle of the Mayans, and will simply give rise to the 14th.

The Mayans left inscriptions about the 42nd century (our reckoning), so I don't think we'll have much to worry about.
2008-11-10 12:23:46 UTC
No, there is no planet X/Nibiru. Although many claim it exists, they have yet to give us the coordinates. If it were heading this way, it would be easily visible to even small telescopes. Pole shifts on Earth take thousands of years, not a day. The Sun will undergo a pole shift in 2012, not the Earth.
m c
2008-11-10 12:28:58 UTC
A fabled tenth planet out beyond Neptune, often referred to as Planet X, hasn't been found despite years of searching. But astronomers involved in the hunt are beginning to speculate that something like Planet X will be discovered, along with Y and Z.

New telescopes will be needed to connect the dots of the outer solar system.

"Pluto-sized planets in distant near-circular orbits are beyond the reach of current searches," said Lowell Observatory astronomer Bob Millis, who leads a team that has found more than 400 KBOs. "Future searches tuned to more distant objects and using large telescopes ... can begin to probe this region."

And while Mike Brown has his mental sights set beyond Sedna, Millis thinks there could still be a surprise lurking in the Kuiper Belt.

"It is certainly possible that one or more objects as large as Pluto remain to be found inside about 70 AU," Millis told me. "No searches performed to date are complete in this region," although he added that the survey by Brown and his colleagues, Chad Trujillo and David Rabinowitz, "has substantially reduced the likelihood" that such objects exist.

"Beyond about 70 AU," Millis said, "it is anybody's guess."
2008-11-10 12:24:56 UTC
No no and no. Planet X, Nibiru, whatever, is not coming round in 2012. If it were, it would already be plainly obvious on telescopes. They can even see asteroids that are years away. So it ain't coming. The world is safe. Really.
2016-12-17 17:27:46 UTC
nicely, ..., no, it does not exist, hence, it is basically no longer seen. all the movies you spot on describing that's existence from the internet and history channel are thoroughly fake. The coordinates are the two thoroughly fake or they are exhibiting photos of presently existent planets. those internet hucksters are basically enjoying on the lack of expertise of an uniformed public. See the links below.
2008-11-10 12:55:38 UTC
my thoughts: complete and utter nonsense. you have failed the internet gullibility test in spectacular fashion.

so where is nibiru, anyway? if it existed and was going to be in our vicinity in 2012 it would already have been detected. it would have been extensively charted, studied, photographed. it would be the astronomy event of the century. where is it?
2008-11-10 13:03:11 UTC
Planet X? Wasn't that supposed to be here in the middle of 2003 according to the paranoid schizophrenic who invented it, Nancy Lieder? Perhaps it's late. Perhaps it isn't coming. Perhaps it got discouraged by the fact that almost all the adult population of this planet either had not heard of it or didn't believe in it and decided not to come after all. After all, it would not wish to be an unwelcome guest.

Or maybe it just does not exist.

Isn't Niburu a separate hoax invented by Zacharia Sitchin? Isn't it supposed to be here in 2085 or maybe about 3000? Maybe it does not exist either.

If you want to know about Bible prophecy, ask the battlers in Religion and Spirituality. You will get several different answers there. All I know is that the dozens of prophecies based on Revelation have never happened.

Did the Mayans really predict this? Or was the prediction invented by Jose Arguelles in one of his woo-woo books a few years ago?

What 9 other religions? Do the Sikhs predict this? What about the Hindus? I know a devout member of the Brahmin caste (the one from which all Hindu priests are selected) and she has never said anything.

Which Buddhists say this? Zen? Mahayana?

Do the Jews predict this? The Orthodox? The Reformed? They probably regard Revelation as nonsense.

How about Islam? What do the Shiites say? What about the Sunni?

Do the Roman Catholics, Methodists, Othodox, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans or any of several other sects have anything to say about 2012?

I suggest you check the veracity of your sources. You may find that some or all of them are liars.

EDIT Now to get really serious, I watched a clip on YouTube a week or so ago. It claimed that archaelogist Layard discovered many cuneiform tablets in 1851. So far, it was correct, apart from getting his name slightly wrong. It then went on to imply that the tablets were Babylonian or Sumerian and also implied, without actually stating, that they were 6000 years old. The reality was that they formed part of the library of a king of Assyria, not Babylon or Sumer. This king was Ashurbanipal, who is very well known to ancient historians, since he was born around 685BC and became king about 668BC, was one of the few literate kings of those times and was known for that. He was also somewhat of a mathematician and was also known for cruelty. The only factual part of that part of the story is that some of the content of some of the texts, for example the Enuma Elish and the Epic of Gilgamesh were indeed very old and long preceeded the Assyrians and Babylonians.

While the Assyrians inherited a good deal of Babylonian culture, and the Babylonians inherited the Sumerian culture, the Assyrians spoke a form of Aramaic, the language commonly spoken in New Testament times. Babylonians spoke Akkadian, which is not closely related. By the time of Ashurbanipal, cunieform writing was all but obsolete since it was complex, but like Egyptian heiroglyphics was considered to be the official or sacred form of script. While the tablets held cunieform script, they would mostly have been in Aramaic, not Akkadian and almost certainly not in Sumerian, since the Sumerian civilisation had all but vanished around 1400 years before.

This video then went on to say that the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter was somehow due to the influence of Pluto. At that point I stopped watching since I had seen one minor error, three attempts at disinformation about ancient history and one idiotic lie about the solar system. That was in the first minute and 44 seconds.

The fraud Zecharia Sitchin whom I have already named, pretended after the 1970s to have knowledge of cunieform, which may have been partly true. But he made sure his translations of these old texts conformed to his thesis that Nibiru was inhabited by the beings referred to in the Bible as "giants". To do this he translated texts in one language as if they were in another. These giants were supposed to have created the human race by crossing themselves with apes, the human race was then supposed to be a slave species intended to mine gold for them. This is a version of the old Mesopotamian legend that the gods got tired of working and created humans to do the work instead.

EDIT the second. I have been answering questions on Yahoo Answers on this exact topic for 2 years. Versions of this question have been asked something like 15,000 times. I have actually checked the facts in real books of ancient history and reliable websites and checked out many of the astronomical facts both in books and on reliable websites.

I have seen photon belts, mass earthquakes, planetary alignments, galactic alignments, the "rapture", the I Ching, Revelation, Nostradamus, aliens, planet X, Nibiru, Mayan, Aztec and Incan calendars, changes in consciousness yadda yadda blah blah all advanced by one person or another. Almost everything advanced is based on superstition, frequently refuted assertions, delusion and straight out lies. The people who promote this stuff can't even keep their lies straight.

I have answered this question hundreds of times and I actually do have some idea of what I am writing about. Strangely enough some of the others who regularly answer on Astronomy and Space also actually know what they are writing about.

If they present you with factual answers that do not fit in with your prejudices then I suggest you do not go on about defensive run-arounds and keep your opinions to yourself.
2008-11-10 12:23:48 UTC
you are talking about the so called 12th planet the ibirus, science has been very ignorant about it, so not visible yet

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.