Yes, 24 men have flown to the Moon and 12 of them walked on it. Neil Armstrong was first, but Buzz Aldrin, Pete Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Ed Mitchell, Dave Scott, Jim Irwin, John Young, Charlie Duke, Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt walked on the Moon too and they also deserve recognition.
The Moon hoax theories are based on ignorance, misinformation, and bad research. They have been debunked many times. Images from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter have shown the leftover Apollo hardware and even astronaut footpaths on the Moon's surface. The Americans won the space race fairly. The landings were real and saying they weren't is an insult to the engineers and scientists who worked hard for years on the program and the astronauts who risked their lives.
Even if the entire United States cooperated in the scheme, there is no way in hell NASA could have fooled the USSR with a fraudulent lunar landing. Such a fraud would have been easily and immediately exposed by USSR radio telescope work.
And that's not even getting into the hundreds of pounds of Moon rocks that were brought back, or the retroreflectors that were carefully placed on the lunar surface.…………