this is a set of answers i discussed with my friend. i have concluded that time travel will never be possible.
There is a paradox in the whole time travel situation, if indeed it will be possible to travel back in time in the future, wouldn't we know it? By now wouldn't someone have came back in time to inform the past that there will be time machines in the future? If in fact there will be time travel in the future then what would stop some one from going back to say the birth of our nation, giving our founding fathers all kinds of up to date history books and technology and making America the only country in the world, there would also be a butterfly effect in time, because every action that the founding fathers would do to change the future would cause a new version of the same history book that the time travelers brought back, until inevitably the book would say, "America wins all, end of story", or they would screw up the future so bad that there would be no time travel and the meeting would never take place. If there was time travel into the past and delicate information was obtained from the time traveler, then if the recipient of thus said delicate information acted upon this information in a way that changed the time travelers history to where time travel was not invented, then the recipient would not know of it and the meeting would have never happened. In theory, if time travel is created in the distant future, and lets say that the creator's great, great, great, great grandfather was killed in the towers on 9/11. Now if the first thing that the creator wanted to do is right this wrong and stop the twin towers from being hit, then most likely he would go back in time to eliminate the terrorist before they could attack, most likely he would kill them while they were children since children are less able to protect themselves from danger or death. Well, what if the creator did not take into consideration that upon 9/11 his great, great, great, great grandfather's son was upset about the death of his father and joined the military to avenge his father, and while in the middle east he met a woman, who unknown to him was a daughter of one of the terrorist, and he had relations with her and they brought forth a son from this that would become the creator's great, great grandfather. That means that if he went back in time to right the wrong, his great, great, great, great grandfather would not have died, his great, great, great grandfather would not have gone to war, met the woman, who does not exist now, since her father died as a kid, and brought forth his son, who is the creator's great, great grandfather, meaning that now the creator does not exist. Wow, so not only did 9/11 not happen now, but time travel will not happen either
Here is a new thought on "time travel". Some people argue that while travel to the past may never happen, but travel to the future will, now stay with me on this stratso. This is their point of view on "time", "time', which is theorized to be the fourth dimension, (the others being 1. Length, 2. Width and 3. Height.) Is viewed by them as to be a continuum, while the rest of the word knows "time" to be a plane, or a never ending flat surface into the future, the theologist that view "time" as a continuum see "time" as you would picture a rubber band, where time keeps repeating itself indefinitely. They say to travel into the future we must simply bend the rubber band until two points meet and we can jump from one point to another point via a worm whole. Although there is no evidence in science to support the theory that a worm hole, or even a black hole even exist. It is speculated that in the event of a hole that the gravity is so terribly strong that not even light can escape. In the movie Donny Darko, the worm hole was a rare phenomenon that occurred on earth, if there truly was a worm whole within our atmosphere then quite possibly the whole world could be sucked into it. If possible, nothing would survive. A different approach in travel to the future or perhaps creating this worm hole is the idea of creating a vessel that could reach the speed of light and possibly surpass it. This is the most ridiculous idea of "time travel" I have heard, think about it stratso, if you were able to out run light, which we don’t have near the technology needed for this feat because we would have to build a vessel that could propel itself to approximately 670,616,629.384 miles per hour, nothing but light goes that fast. but aside from that, if we were indeed able to out run light, then what do you would expect would happen, picture your self on a train, running on its track around the world traveling at 10 mph over the speed of light, if you were able to out run light then there would be no light in front of you, you would be able to look behind you and see the land you had just passed that is in the light, but you would be passed the light and soon the land behind you would grow fainter and fainter because you are moving further into the future without light. Newton said "time" can be related to the running of water in a river. Should the speed of the water be measured at any point, it would yield equal results. The same was thought of "time"; if "time" was measured at any point in the universe it would be the same. Suppose you and I synchronized our watches. You left on a train traveling the speed of light, and came back an hour later (according to your watch). Newton would say that I would have waited an hour for you to come back, and their watches would read the same "time". Einstein disagreed, According to his theories, "time" is relative, and it depends on the speed that one travels. Suppose that you left on the same train at 1:00 p.m. traveling at a speed of light, and suppose that I was in some way was looking at your watch. I would realize that your watch is advancing very slowly compared with mine. So if my watch said 2:00 p.m. then your watch would have said 1:05 p.m. On the other hand, you would see that I was doing everything pretty fast, as if he was in a movie that was being fast forwarded. This "time" difference applies to everything surrounding both you and I. If you returns one year later (according to your time), you would find out that I aged 12 years. Not only this, but both you and I, separately, feel normal; you does not feel that his life was moving any faster than normal, nor does I feel that his life was moving any slower than normal. While that was Einstein's theory, I speculate that the only way to travel forward in "time" is to out run "time", and if you could out run "time" then you would shoot yourself forward into a future that does not yet exist and there for you would not exist.