Not that long ago - figure 20, 25 years - it was thought that the Big Bang *should* be slowing.... the sudden expansion acted something like a bomb burst (hence the cheeky name), and that the matter within the universe should be pulling on all the other matter, slowing that expansion.... The big question was, did the matter flying apart from all other matter have enough velocity to continue expanding forever, or was it going to stop at some point, then reverse?
After years of study, it was actually discovered that the expansion isn't slowing down as expected, but speeding up - which was a surprise for many. We don't know *why* this is happening - the effect is called "Dark Energy" - Dark, in that we don't know what it is, and Energy, in that the acceleration is due to some energy...
So, right now, it's not *looking* like the Big Crunch is currently on the table... While there must be some attraction of matter in the universe, limiting the expansion's speed - there's another, unseen component that is stronger, causing the expansion to accelerate.