Do you think the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing was real?
2015-07-07 12:23:25 UTC
Or do you think it was a hoax and Kubrick was in charge? (or something else?)
42 answers:
2015-07-07 16:06:38 UTC
I know it was. There were 5 more successful (and one failed attempt; Apollo 13) landings after it, so unless you claim they were all fake I can't imagine a believable reason why they would fake one and then do a real one (Apollo 12) only four months later.

And if you claim they are all fake I say this.

People make the mistake of comparing a modern laptop costing $1,000 to a million dollar mainframe that had far less computing power and filled a room in 1969 and say that proves technology has advanced enough to make it easier to go to the Moon today. From this they jump to the conclusion that if it still too expensive and difficult today it must have been impossible then.

What they should do is compare a $20,000 car today that gets the same MPG and has the same top speed as a car costing $3,000 in 1969 and then realize that only computers (and all electronics technology) has enjoyed amazing advances while cars (and all transportation technologies including rockets) have not. So it is just as expensive and difficult today as it was in 1969 and still not worth to cost to keep doing it. This is also why so many great robotic missions to planets have flown since then. Because the small, light weight, and highly capable robotic space craft we can build with advanced electronics technology can be easily sent much farther away than the Moon with the same old inefficient and expensive rockets we are still using.

If you compare the appearance of the Moon in the Apollo pictures and videos to what it looks like in the movie "2001, a Space Odyssey", you see they look totally different.
Roger K
2015-07-07 13:44:13 UTC
All 6 (six) moon landings were real. There was no way to fake them. There was no way to ensure the silence of the tens of thousands of people involved in the many aspects of the moon launches and landings.

ALL of the so-called evidence from the non-believers has been totally discredited and disproved many times by many reputable scientific organizations.
2015-07-07 16:02:14 UTC
Yes it was real and so were the other Five Manned Landings.

12 Men have walked on the Moon.

The most documented event in human history. Impossible to fake.
2015-07-07 12:49:42 UTC
Of course the moon landings were real. The evidence for the moon landings is so overwhelming you'd have to either be mentally lazy or wilfully ignorant to still think they were faked.
2015-07-10 10:46:12 UTC
Since you know that the landings actually occurred, as do all intelligent individuals, why even ask the question? The only answers denying that the landings occurred with be from profoundly ignorant people, morons, or trolls. Why would anyone care what those people think? There opinions are of absolutely no value. Would make as much sense to ask who believes in a flat earth or the geocentric model of the solar system.
Gary B
2015-07-07 13:51:11 UTC

My uncle, a television cameraman, helped film just about everything that happened on earth, and HER SAW IT.

While Kubricks "2001" had groundbreaking special effects for its time, it now looks dated, almost silly, compared to special effects NOW. But the films from the 1969 moon landing STILL look as convincing toady as they did in 1969, showing that those films ARE REAL.
Ghost Of Christmas Past
2015-07-10 07:43:07 UTC
Unlike most of the people on here, I was around in 1969. At the right time of day, you could see the shadow of the landing craft with a good pair of fieldglasses or a mounted telescope.

Of course, it could all have been faked. They sent a space ship up in advance and someone painted the shadow of the landing craft. Then later they'd have sent up another space ship and rubbed it out again.
2015-07-08 12:49:48 UTC
Of course it was real.

The only people that seem to question this historical event are kids that weren't born yet.

Since nothing of significance could possibly have happened in the world before those kids were born, the single most important achievement of modern society must have been a hoax.

So instead of dealing with the fact that they missed out on this event, they claim it couldn't have happened.

The fact is there were thousands of technicians and scientists were involved for a decade before the landing, there are hundreds of hours of data and records that couldn't possibly all be faked.

If kids today want to doubt history, that is their choice.

Don't expect rational people to agree.
2015-07-08 13:35:11 UTC
Since you asking for opinions why or why not, I will try to answer this for you. Yes I definitely believe the Apollo Missions were real. There are, unfortunately, intelligent people out there who do at least question it. What it comes down to is just basic knowledge of astronomy, engineering, rocketry and spaceflight. Too many people are just simply ignorant of astronomy; they have no grasp of it, and humans tend to disbelieve something they don't understand.

As for those who try to propagate "Moon Landing Hoax" conspiracies, there is a peculiar psychology they have in common.
2015-07-09 21:14:12 UTC
You are right it was real. Many people from the USA and even countries such as Saudi Arabia believe that it was a hoax created in a Hollywood studio ..and they also have many suspicions of the photos and videos taken to believe that. However if u look up Mythbusters moon landing confirmed, they show credible information on why it was real.
2015-07-07 15:53:37 UTC
Their was no was that was faked.One theory was that the antenna on the astronauts EVA suit was used to attach a nearly invisible wire to make it seem like lower gravity, but if that were the case, the eva suit would have been pulled up on an angle.Furthermore the dust kicked up by the astronaut's equipment would not have fallen down much lower than it would on Earth but it did, their wasn't any way to fake that given the technology of the day
2015-07-07 15:55:19 UTC
Since you asked the question, then of course it was not real. And 2 plus 2 is 9 and there's a Boogie Man in your closet and your Mom called and said it's time to come home for supper. Bye. Bye.
2015-07-07 20:31:15 UTC
It was 100% real.

All, repeat ALL, of the evidence that claims that the lunar landings were hoaxed either is inconclusive, relies on pseudoscience, or actually proves that we went to the moon.

As well much of the reasoning is based upon finger pointing and innuendo, no supportive facts... at least none that science supports.
2015-07-07 13:00:58 UTC
If it wasn't "REAL" then none of our modern technologies are "REAL" either, thus these words your reading via the World Wide Web must be fake too. Many of modern conveniences are here due to our exploration of space. If you or anyone still doubts it cruz by my house and I'll get out my telescope and we can look at the stuff we left up on the Moon through it. :)
Tom S
2015-07-09 11:47:14 UTC
Yes as well as Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16 & 17. How else could you get all those footprints there?
2015-07-08 07:15:57 UTC
yes, 1969 Apollo 11 is really landed on moon,there are 6 missions gone to moon and one of them is failed but,Apollo 11 was successful in misson
2015-07-07 13:36:25 UTC
In the end, there's really no good reason to assume it was a hoax. All the so-called "evidence" by the conspiracy theorists can easily be explained by anyone with a little knowledge of actual science or just experience with how things work.
nick s
2015-07-12 00:18:48 UTC
Questioner - get off your high horse. If you had asked the question from the point of someone who wasn;t into the hoax, the replies would have been different.

You have to understand that there are knowledgeable people here who give their time over the years to answer questions as best they can. They are sick of the thousands of idiots who have come on here questioning the validity of the moonlandings.
2015-07-10 11:39:02 UTC
No matter what evidence is provided that the moon landings happened and weren't faked there will always be someone out there who cries out "Conspiracy!" when they can't accept something as factual and make up their own theory because their explanation sounds better and more interesting than reality.
2015-07-07 12:34:52 UTC
Yes. Third-Party Evidence from NASA proved that we truly landed on the moon.
2015-07-08 17:37:09 UTC
Then use the Search Answers tool, newbie, and quit whining because you made yourself look like yet another Moon Landing Hoax moron. We see this **** here every single day, and it gets old, so if you mischaracterized yourself, intentionally or not, that's why you received the reception you did. It's your own fault.


Yes, of course the 1969 landing was real. So were the 1970 landings, and others too. Only willfully ignorant cretins believe otherwise.


2015-07-07 12:41:35 UTC
Ask yourself this - If NASA really did fake the moon landings, wouldn't they have faked something even bigger since then?
2015-07-08 10:53:22 UTC
If Richard C Hoagland says we went to the moon we went to the moon. I believe all the moon landings were real.
Alpha Beta
2015-07-07 18:52:10 UTC
12 humans landed and walked on the moon. It was real.
Mark G
2015-07-07 12:25:36 UTC
Only a total idiot would not see that all 6 moon landing were real.
2015-07-08 13:58:03 UTC
I think it was real. If it was faked, I could understand why, for propaganda against the USSR, like mentioned in Interstellar. The evidence against it is mostly misinformed however.
2015-07-09 16:44:13 UTC
No. There is a lot of proof that it was a hoax done in the desert of Navada near area 51 with the help of extraterrestrial aliens.
2015-07-12 12:23:03 UTC
Of course it was real. Myth buster even did a show where they busted all the myths, and showed why it was real.
2015-07-08 00:33:08 UTC
If it was faked then the USSR would have gone all out to prove that - they did not so it was real
2015-07-07 21:18:50 UTC
I'm absolutely confident it was completely real.
2015-07-07 15:26:50 UTC
2015-07-08 18:53:27 UTC
2015-07-09 12:19:01 UTC
I have always assumed it was real.
2015-07-09 10:33:35 UTC
a better question is what sort of dolt (not you) would believe tv
2015-07-08 21:51:36 UTC
It was real. I saw it. I was there.
2015-07-08 09:22:42 UTC
Yes, I was abducted from there against my will by the Ed Aldrin unit.
2015-07-07 18:24:26 UTC
I don't know if Kubrick was the one that made the film, but it looks like cheap special effects.
2015-07-08 06:25:08 UTC
Please go be stupid about something else - check out street gangs and claim they are not dangerous, etc.
Dr abdus
2015-07-10 05:32:49 UTC
yes ,it is truth.
2015-07-08 03:13:39 UTC
Nah its a load of ****
2015-07-07 14:50:08 UTC
Art G
2015-07-07 22:11:35 UTC

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