"How long until we are sure?
that the world will not end in 2012 or will we have to wait to that exact date? I don't no if i can stand the wait."
We already know that the world will not end in 2012. The Big 2012 Hoax was invented by the same people who had invented Planet X for their prediction of the end-of-the-world of June 2003 (planet passing close to Earth, causing tsunami and pole flips, hiding the Sun...).
"What is the chances do you think of the following:
UFO Attack, apparently the Mayans were in constant contact with them."
Mayans were not in contact with aliens. See below, at Planet X.
"Gamma Ray Burst"
It could happen, the last one that affected Earth was (apparently) a few billion years ago. They are not predictable -- at least, not to the point where we can tell in which century the next one will be.
"Solar Flares the same as 100 million atomic bombs."
That is from the movie "Knowing". The next solar maximum (there is one every 11 years) will be in 2013 and is expected to be weaker than usual. The comparison with "100 million atomic bombs" is there to scare people who love to be scared.
"Polar Shift"
If you are talking about a real shift (spin reversal) then these things take billions of years (the one on Venus was "fast": it only took 4 billion years).
If you are talking about magnetic reversal, we get them on average every 750,000 years. They happen whenever the dipole field moment gets below 4 units of intensity. 40,000 years ago (at the end of the last magnetic excursion) it reset itself at 10 units (some say 11) and it has slowly been decreasing ever since -- that is the normal behavior. It is now around 7 units and it should reach 4 units around the year 3500.
"Planet X crashing into earth"
No. Planet X does not exist. It was invented by charlatans for the end-of-the-world of June 2003 (they were selling books on how to survive the passage of Planet X). The same charlatans who invented the Big 2012 Hoax.
These charlatans who claimed to be in contact with aliens from a planet around the star Zeta Reticuli (where we know there are no planets).
"Comet or Asteroids hitting the earth."
Comets and asteroids (small ones) hit Earth all the time. It is the big ones we have to worry about, and these are a lot rarer. Here is the list:
The next one we worry about is "scheduled" to pass close to Earth in 2048. It still has a 99.966% chance of missing us.
"Us being thrown into a black hole"
The Black Hole Scare was popularized by the same charlatans who had launched the Big 2012 Hoax. It belongs to a family of "predictions" based -- if we can use that word loosely -- on the passage of the winter solstice position, on the ecliptic, to the other side of the Galactic equator (a recently created reference system, independent of the Sun and Earth).
"Magnetic fields will collapse"
Already described above. The Earth's magnetic field has a dipole component and a non-dipole component. The varying one (that resets at 10, then slowly decreases to 4) is the dipole component. The other component does not vary.
The field itself (the total of the two components) does not "collapse", unless you are willing to call a 40,000 year decline a collapse. If that is the case, then the field is constantly collapsing (except during the thousands of years it takes to reset itself at a value of 10).