Nobody knows how the universe started, it because no one knows that there's theory's about God and other things
One of the hardest things to comprehend and reconcile in cosmology is the 'free lunch' factor - how it comes to pass that the universe can get something for nothing; how it can go from not existing, to existing; how matter or energy can come into being from it's former non-existing state
So where did matter come from?
I think god created the universe.
some people say no! god doesn't exist! - they believe in the big bang theory.
but why couldn't god have created the universe using a big bang?
i would imagine that someone so powerful and so big would create everything with a 'big bang'. don't you?
The Big Bang is the most popular scientific theory concerning the birth of the universe we know and live in. It basically states that all matter and energy came in to existance from nothingness and from a single point
The Big Bang is the cosmological model of the universe that is best supported by all lines of scientific evidence and observation
My opinion.
Have physicists found the God?
Yes. They have.
Is this “ Jesus who is God creator of 100 billion galaxies”.
“ The Catholic Church, which put Galileo under house arrest for daring
to say that Earth orbits the sun, isn't known for easily accepting new
scientific ideas. So it came as a surprise when Pope Pius XII declared
his approval in 1951 of a brand new cosmological theory—the Big Bang. “
The Catholic Church then adopted the theory of — the Big Bang .
Strange that the Catholic Church should adopt a Physics theory
....but it was basing its Scientific Beliefs and Religious Beliefs
there was now a split between Religion and Science
which started from Galileo's Trial, and which has never been healed.
by Michael D. Lemonick, Illustrations by Moonrunner Design
published online February 5, 2004
My opinion.
Once upon a time, 20 billions of years ago, all matter
(all elementary particles and all quarks and
their girlfriends- antiparticles and antiquarks,
all kinds of waves: electromagnetic, gravitational,
muons… gluons field ….. etc.) – was assembled in a “single point”.
It is interesting to think about what had surrounded the “single point”.
The answer is :
But why does everyone speak about EMPTINESS- NOTHING in
common phrases rather than in specific, concrete terms?
I wonder why nobody has written down this EMPTINESS- NOTHING in
the form of a physical formula ? You see, every schoolboy knows that
is possible to express the EMPTINESS- NOTHING condition
by the formula T=0K.
* * *
Once there was a “Big Bang”.
But in what space had the Big Bang taken place
and in what space was the matter of the Big Bang distributed?
Not in T=0K?
It is clear, that there is only EMPTINESS, NOTHING, in T=0K.
Now consider that the Universe, as an absolute frame of reference is
in a condition of T = 2,7K (rests relic radiation of the Big Bang ).
But, the relic radiation is extended and in the future will change
and its temperature will decrease.
What temperature can this radiation reach?
Not T=0K?
Hence, if we go into the past or into the present or into the future,
we can not escape from EMPTINESS- NOTHING T=0K.
Detected material mass of the matter in the Universe is so small
(the average density of all substance in the Universe is
approximately p=10^-30 g/sm^3) that the gravitation law
doesn't work. The cosmological constant in Universe is zero.
The Newton/ Einstein's gravitation laws are correct only
in the local parts of Vacuum. The Universe / Vacuum is endless.
And when this Infinity comes nobody knows what to do
with the infinity. Our tiny minds cannot get a handle on its size,
so we try to give it shapes and boundaries, all of which is folly.
Therefore was invented "dark matter" and another abstract,
ineffective objects.
But to our happiness the Infinite Vacuum has one physical
parameter- the temperature. The temperature of the Infinite
Vacuum is concrete, real fact. It is T=0K. Therefore it is
possible and necessary to begin to think from T=0K.
About the theory of the “Big Bang” is written the thick (very thick) books.
But anywhere do not write about the reason of the “Big Bang”.
Anybody does not know it.
I know.
The action, when the God compresses all Universe
into his palm, we have named " a singular point".
And action, when the God opens his palm,
we have named the "Big Bang".
============ ==============.
Is it good proof of God existing?
Is it good explanation “ how the universe started” ?