2008-04-21 13:33:26 UTC
Lets go back to the start before the big bang an all. Space as they assume was just a black nothing, just empty black space then we have of course the big bang and the universe were created.
The universe began its course to expand and continues to do so at this very day.So one can assume as it expands it expands and takes up the empty space and continues this way for ever or maybe it will slow down, stop and collapse. Who knows?
So if the expanding universe is continuing to expand and consume the emtpy space, this is the blackness with nothing in as was before the big bang
My Question is
Imagine a planet was far far our just sitting there in this big empty black space and far far away the big bang bang that created our universe is expanding and at some point it will have to hit this black space where the lonely planet is
What would you seen if anything. Would it be light coming towards very past or something of that nature.