There is plenty of evidence that those who say the Apollo landing did not happen are at best wrong and at worst deliberately lying to sell cheap and nasty TV shows and books.
The "evidence" brought forward by these fools and cheats has been thoroughly refuted so many times that it can only be called lies.
If the Moon landings in 1969 and later had been faked thousands of scientists and radio experts around the world would have known straight away. Specially the Russians, but also Germans, French, Spanish, Australians, British, you name it.
In addition the Russians and possibly several other countries were perfectly capable of tracking the spacecraft part of the way to the Moon by radar. If the Apollo spacecraft had merely orbited the Earth they could have been detected by radar or even the naked eye depending on the height of the orbit.
In 1957, 50 years ago this month, I watched as the material sent into orbit by the then Soviet Union with Sputnik 1 passed over Australia at about 8pm. You could see it at night. Get into any sufficiently dark place on a clear night and you can see satellites passing over if you know where and when to look.
Not everyone who worked on Apollo was a US citizen, I know one Australian who was in on it and there were many more. Most of the staff of the ground stations in Australia were Australians, there were also ground stations in Spain. These hundreds of people owe no allegiance to the USA and it is not humanly possible that they would have kept a fraud quiet for 38 years.
Almost anyone who was good with tools and had a bit of money could build a suitable antenna and tune a suitable radio into the transmissions from the Moon. There is nothing secret about the construction of such antennas, I have a book on it right here. These antennas, even the simpler kind could detect if the strongest signal was not coming from at least the general direction of the Moon.
The astronauts brought back hundreds of pounds of Moon rocks which were analysed by scientists all over the world. Not all of them were US citizens either. If those rocks had been faked those scientists would have seen it. In any case, the Russians also returned Moon rocks to Earth in three unmanned probes and published the analysis results. The American samples were consistent with the Russian ones. These rocks are not "easily faked up in a lab" as isotopic content, microscopic structure and dozens of other properties were measured. You might get one or two things right, but the rest is beyond replication.
In addition, the ages that were determined for these rocks were (and still are) older than all rocks found on Earth except for meteorites. This assertion is nonsense.
The ground under the lander was not blasted to bits because the engines were throttled right back as the lander approached the surface. If they had been running full blast the lander would have risen, not fallen. However this may account for the fact that the lander's feet were not seen to sink into the ground as surface dust would have been blown away to some extent.
There is also the fact that the feet came straight down to the surface. The forces involved are in one direction only. The forces under the astronauts feet are in several directions as they walk. Forward as the foot comes down, downward as the man's weight is transferred from back to front and then backward as he takes the next step.
Who took the photos with two astronauts in them? Ever heard of a photographic tripod or a spot on some of the equipment to mount the camera? The men walked away, the clockwork timer in the camera then took the photograph after 30 or 60 or whatever seconds. You might not get such a feature on a cheap camera but virtually all better cameras have it and certainly the Hasselblads the astronauts used would have had it.
Only people utterly ignorant of mineralogy, basic physics, radio, photography and a host of other fairly commonplace fields could believe the drivel foisted on the public by these frauds and liars.
President Nixon. a Republican, began to cut NASA funding in 1968, the year before the first mission. The mission went ahead because the equipment had been built and the people had been employed and trained. The Apollo program was a Democrat project. Later the program came to an end because the US public lost interest, when that happened, funding dried up still further and NASA could not afford to send any more. No bucks, no Buck Rogers.
This site is devoted to the mostly Australian men and women at the Honeysuckle Creek tracking station in Australia which received some of the Apollo transmissions. You can hear one man talking directly to the astronauts on the Moon.
See also these YouTube clips
There is no good evidence that the Apollo missions were frauds. There is good evidence that the conspiracy is with those who say they were frauds, and I regard them as at best a cult, at worst as a criminal group.