It's not that humans are adaptive, it's that we have driven so far off the path of nature, and how to actually survive in nature, that we have set ourselves up for a major catastrophe.
Global warming, whether man made or not, is happening. The evidence is quite clear. All you have to do is look at the ever decreasing size of the polar icecaps, and the fact the glaciers are melting away at an astonishingly alarming rate. And they're melting faster in the past 20 years than ever before in recorded history.
Global warming will cause rising oceans to drown coastal communities, agriculture will be disrupted, water supplies will be salinized, storms and flood waters will reach ever further inland, millions of environmental refugees will be created, droughts to wither crops, new diseases to cause epidemics and fires to consume our forests. And the list goes on and on and on.
It is predicted that the average annual temperature, if it continues to increase in rate has it has been the past 20 years, will increase as much as 2 degrees in the next 40-100 years. I know this doesn't sound like much but, the average annual temperature difference from the last ice age and our annual average temperature in the 1990's, was only one degree cooler.
Now, just imagine what would and could happen if the annual average temperature actually increases by TWO degrees. This is very, very, very alarming, and quite disturbing since this will be our children and grandchildren that will be facing this very real threat that could cause major crop shortages, thus more cattle will die, thus millions, if perhaps not billions of people that weren't otherwise going hungry... will starve. Why should this matter? Well, because the world is populating faster than ever before and just how is everyone supposed to be fed?
If we don't stop and analyze how we are living as a species, if we don't reconnect with nature and teach ourselves how to survive, then the ramifications of such is quite dire and unpleasing to the thought. I'm not sure if any of this will actually happen, but it's actually starting right now, and we better stop and think for a moment and realize what we are actually doing to mother nature....for maybe only a moment more we only have.