Galileo major contributions were to the value of gravity , pivotal motion, and celestial optics with the value of gravity he discovered parameters of rate of fall , pendulum, rate of inertia(yes) and with his telescope glass formula(which he went to jail for, it was so valuable they wanted to protect him) he discovered/created the parameters for distance induction @800 times magnification. gali discovered methods to calculate mechanical parameters of observation by noting the starting of a process and when it stops and defining the process in between,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Einstein did the same, wit more data and procedures, particularly with symbolic math einstein abstracted more(or in different ways) and place values on his symbols he could analyze with data he extracted from observation, his less famous long equations(from princeton years) show to an extent how he connected his observations the causes of energy were his motivating factor and there states and interactions the becoming of energy and its controls are inherently near or at the surface of the proportions of his deductions, as well as an awareness of the search for time observations and their parameters . Einstein never encountered a need for using zero dimension but discovered massive sub dimensinal fields that helped create zero dimension theory and he created the foundation of nearly every energy parameter observation standard there is(the dimensions of energy) and the relativity of the interaction of forces( although he didn't believe in parralax multiplication of space or parrallel dimensions (which can't be proven anyway) he created a system of relativity that makes sense to pretty much any one, and created a system which works both inside the earth into space he created a fifth dimension in a way, by consolidating the forces of motion energy and mass .And providing parameters for magneticflux.he described the forces of control in the cosmos and on earth.
Thank You for taking time to read this.