Astronomers know that distant stars have NO effect on Earth. There is no energy that can travel thousands of light years from a star and affect or control a human's life.
Astrology was never based on science - it is based on the myths and stories around the apparent shapes of the random arrangement of stars in the sky. The stars in any constellation have no relationship to each other, except that they looked like some shape to someone thousands of years ago.
There is no scientific evidence of any kind to support any of the claims that where the sun supposedly appeared in the sky at the time of your birth has any influence on your life - especially since astrologers have completely neglected the fact that the sun has actually moved one full constellation west since the astrology followed in the west was set 2000 years ago (I was born in June, so supposedly I am a "Gemini", but the sun was actually in Taurus).
Pluto was not even known about when astrology was formed, but when it was discovered in 1930 it was suddenly a planet that influences people's lives. What about the thousands of years before, didn't it influence lives before?
And now that it isn't even labelled a planet anymore, but is a dwarf planet, why is it still part of astrology? And if dwarf planets are "planets" in astrology, why aren't the other dwarf planets (Ceres, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris) also influences on people?