>>How can we see 46 billion light years in space if
>>Earth is less than 6 billion years old? (please read
>>whole question below)?
>>If Earth is under 6 billion years old, and we
>>can see 46 billion light years in any direction
>>in space, couldn't we see ourselves, or at least
>>what Earth was before it was Earth?
Light moves in more or less straight lines... Our age doesn't matter - the light coming to Earth came from elsewhere - and we wouldn't be seeing our planet at all.
>>How can we see 46 billion light years if we are only
>>5 billion years old?
Think of it this way... A quarterback throws a pass. The receiver had to block two players, run a fake to the left, then bolt downfield to catch the pass that was already thrown - when he arrives at the right spot, he catches that football.
Similarly, the light we're seeing from such a long distance away began it's journey long before Earth formed. Generations of humans grew, aged, and died - until finally the light we're seeing today just arrived... Earth didn't have to exist for that light to begin it's journey.
>>Doesn't that create a paradox?
No, not at all...
>>If a car started at the base of a mountain, and drove
>>forward for 3 light years and then looked back at the
>>mountain, he would be viewing the mountain as it
>>was 3 years ago, and would see his own car there
>>at the base?
So, lets look at this two ways... first - he drives away from the mountain. This is very similar to the Voyager craft leaving the solar system. The car you're in is moving much slower than the speed of light... yes, the image you're seeing as you get further is getting older - but, **its never older than when you left.** So - whenever you look back at the mountain - the light you're seeing is always newer than the time you left.
But... try THIS:
You don't drive your car 3 light years away - you use a transporter in Star Trek to simply *beam* yourself 3 light years away instantly.... NOW, when you look back at the mountain, the image you're seeing is from 3 years ago, before you even got there. For the next 3 years, you could watch yourself show up, get prepared for your trip - and finally leave, only to then see yourself dematerialize when you beamed to where you are.
>>I understand that I must be missing something.
I hope I'm filling you in understandably...
>>I just don't understand how we can see almost 10
>>times further than the age of our own planet.
It's because the light we're seeing left long before our planet formed, and it's just now arriving from very far away.
>>46 billion years ago the Earth didn't even exist, and
>>the universe looked very different.
True... the Universe is thought to be about 13.8 billion years old - but, there's a characteristic of expansion - which means it continues to expand as time goes on... (It's another can of worms...)
>>Updated 12 mins ago:
>>What I'm really asking is if we were to look 5 billion
>>light years in space, where is the Earth relative to
>>what we are seeing?
Within that 5 billion light year radius, the light we're seeing from all the objects within is *newer* than 5 billion years ago. Our solar system formed from a great cloud of gas - and, from 5 billion light years *from here* - some alien could look through their telescope and see the light from that nebula as it was. But - for us, here - the light has left; it's gone out to the universe... When we look at our own solar system, we can only see the light that's a few minutes to a few hours old...