According to modern physics, at least, there is no way to 'travel' into the future, if you take that to mean 'leave the present, and appear instantly in the future'. You could theoretically drastically increase your speed through time. because mass warps the spacetime fabric, and the more massive an object is, massive objects such as black hole stretch out space and time in pretty extreme ways.
Although I don't expect you to do this, and at the current speeds of space travel, you would be dead before you got back, if you found a large enough black hole, you could accelerate yourself into the future. Ignoring travel time, if you found a particularly massive black hole, and tehtered to your space ship, hung about an inch over the event horizon, the point of no return, so to speak, time would warp around your current position so much , that if you hung there for a year, and returned to earth, you would arrive in the year 12,008, only a year older than you were in 2008, effectively placing yourself in the future.