Yes, you would see a fast-forward view of Andromeda, but you'd have to be going pretty fast--- at Relativistic speeds.
At nearly the speed of light, you would see that fast-forward movie, and the closer to c you traveled, the shorter the trip. You could, for instance, find a speed nearly c at which it only took 90 minutes to get there in your frame of reference, the duration of a feature length movie.
Of course, since you're going at nearly c, the visible light from Andromeda will be blueshifted into the hard gamma ray, and it will fry you. If you manage to build your spacecraft out of, say, 100 yard-thick lead walls to protect yourself from this, you will also see all sorts of weird things going on, including abberation which will cause the view in front of you to take up just a tiny, tiny spot in the middle of your field of view, with most of your forward field of view actually composed of things you have already passed.