Did man really go to the moon?
2008-05-28 05:42:07 UTC
My Grandparents never belived it and no one could convence them otherwise Im begining to think they were right I don't belive it either. I belive it was a consperacy I belive it was a lie all made up in a movie studio maybe to stop the cold war maybe to bring hope to Americans or maybe to pocket money that would have been used to really go to the moon and they thought it cheeper to pull the wool over our eyes. Who had to die to cover this up was it Kenedy was it anyone at all or was it many. If Nasa went to the moon why did they go and why haven't they been back and why does the vidio of there supposed trip to the moon have so many holes in it like the flag vigourusly blowing in the wind theres no air on the moon theres no gravity who was the camera man woulden't he have been the first one to walk on the moon and not Armstrong. There is alot of questions about this event and not many answers. What do you think what is your opinion?
Seventeen answers:
2008-05-28 08:28:15 UTC
opinion is irrelevant. project apollo is a matter of historical fact.

why do you insist on insulting the efforts of the half million people who worked their butts off to make it happen?

if you're going to post these ridiculous trolls, please at least be creative about it.
Jason T
2008-05-28 06:23:45 UTC
>>I belive it was a lie all made up in a movie studio maybe to stop the cold war maybe to bring hope to Americans or maybe to pocket money that would have been used to really go to the moon<<

The paper trail for the money spent on Apollo is extensive. All of it is accounted for, and all of it was used going to the Moon.

>>If Nasa went to the moon why did they go<<

Because they wanted a goal that would offer a chance of beating the Russians in space. THe Russians got a satellite, a dog and a human into orbit before the US, and they clearly had the lead. The Moon offered a chance for the Americans to beat the Russians. That's why they went.

>>and why haven't they been back<<

They did go back. They went back several times between 1969 and 1972. After the first landing, beating the Russians, the public lost interest. Since NASA is funded from the US taxpayer, when the public lose interest NASA lose money and they don't keep going to the Moon.

>>and why does the vidio of there supposed trip to the moon have so many holes in it like the flag vigourusly blowing in the wind<<

You've never actually looked at the video have you? Six missions, six flag, six different sets of images and video of flags, and in all of those the flag moves ONLY when moved by an astronaut. It NEVER 'blows vigorously', as you put it.

>>theres no gravity<<

There most certainly is gravity on the Moon. It's 1/6th that of Earth, and this has been common knowledge since before the space age.

>>who was the camera man woulden't he have been the first one to walk on the moon and not Armstrong.<<

Why did there have to be a man behind the camera? It was mounted on the outside of the LM and switched on. Like any TV camera, as long as it is turned on it will record images, regardless of whether anyone is standing behind it or not.

>>There is alot of questions about this event and not many answers. What do you think what is your opinion?<<

My opinion is that the questions are asked in ignorance, and the answers are there in plain sight if you just bother to do some research.

>>I don't think men have ever been past the International space station b/c of radiation they would perish so they have to send machines otherwise it would be a waste of money.<<

The van Allen radiation belt is *particle* radiation, and that is best shielded against using light metals, plastics and water, all abundant on the Apollo spacecraft. Even Dr van Allen himself says they are no barrier to manned space flight. Also, the radiation in space is not NASA's sole purview. Billions of dollars of commercial revenue depend on data about the radiation in space, and yet no-one has said those data mean that Apollo could not have happened.

[Edited to add]

>>This is my opinion which I am entitled to entirely my opinion what ever it may be I am entiled to one I don't care if you don't like what I have to say this is what i belive.<<

You are indeed entitled to believe what you like, but that won't stop you being wrong. You can believe what you like but that won't change the fact that the flag does NOT wave in any wind in any of the video footage. Believing the van Allen belt is too dangerous to fly thorough doesn't stop reality from showing otherwise. Being entitled to an opinion does not guarantee that opinion is valid. Apollo is a matter of historical FACT, not belief or opinion.
Charlie Bravo
2008-05-28 07:48:43 UTC
There are some excellent answers I will add my 2 cents in here with my answer.

"My Grandparents never belived it and no one could convence them otherwise Im begining to think they were right I don't belive it either."

Did your grandparents believe in the Easter Bunny and fairies too?

"I belive it was a consperacy I belive it was a lie all made up in a movie studio maybe to stop the cold war maybe to bring hope to Americans or maybe to pocket money that would have been used to really go to the moon and they thought it cheeper to pull the wool over our eyes."

Since we are on the subject of "ridiculousness"...lets go ahead and assume the Illuminati financed this whole operation too....

"Who had to die to cover this up was it Kenedy was it anyone at all or was it many."

No one died to "cover it up".....but your statements above (and below) are great fodder for a science fiction novel (I would even buy a copy or two from you---if you decided to write such a book!)

"If Nasa went to the moon why did they go and why haven't they been back and why does the vidio of there supposed trip to the moon have so many holes in it like the flag vigourusly blowing in the wind theres no air on the moon theres no gravity who was the camera man woulden't he have been the first one to walk on the moon and not Armstrong."

Settle down, settle down, junior. The flag didn't BLOW on the moon (like it would here on planet Earth)---instead it "waved" (thanks to Newton's Laws of Motion) when the flag was being placed on to the lunar surface---and it "blew" again when the Apollo spacecraft took off (the blast of the rocket motor acted as a force against the flag---giving it the appearance of "waving in the wind"). Additionally, we are going back---the Orion spacecraft (in development) should put us back on the lunar surface in about a decade.

"There is alot of questions about this event and not many answers. What do you think what is your opinion?"

My opinion is that we landed. I can attest to this since I have seen NOT ONLY segments of the lunar modules ON the lunar surface---but (with really powerful telescopes)--I can see SHADOW'S of an US flag that is still there! I think conspiracy theories are interesting...but your opinion, respectfully, is without merit--it belongs within the same category as Black Helicopters, Aliens from the planet Serpo and in Santa Claus. Do you believe in Santa Claus, by any chance? It seems you would. But hey, as long as it makes YOU happy to believe in this....I guess it really doesn't matter what we say (or the truth says, for that matter), now does it?

"Some say we did not have that kind of technology back in the 60's I just don't think we went to the moon I don't think men have ever been past the International space station b/c of radiation they would perish so they have to send machines otherwise it would be a waste of money."

Yes we did have the technology....solid state (and NON solid state)! Radar, nuclear/hydrogen power as well as life support systems were available (thanks to the Gemini and Mercury programs) that enabled NASA to land, on several occasions, men on the moon!
2008-05-28 07:29:13 UTC
4000 years ago Egyptians had the technology and infrastructure to build pyramids. The construction of pyramids cost a great deal and really didn't accomplish anything. So the technology was lost. Today it would take a major effort to re-learn that 4000 year old technology.

In the 1960s Americans, frightened by Soviet successes in rocketry and space and given a dream by John Kennedy, built the rockets to take American astronauts to the moon. It cost $20 billion dollars and required hundreds of thousands of workers, but the job was done. After the first couple of landings Americans lost interest. The moon was worthless and Americans have never been particularly interested in science. So the program ended early, the factories for building the Saturn rockets were shut down and the machines were sold for scrap. The technology and the infrastructure for sending man to the moon was lost. Just like the pyramids a not particularly useful technology was deemed too expensive and too useless and was forgotten.

The pyramids are still there after over 4000 years of erosion and human depredation. The machinery we left on the moon will likely survive the lifetime of a thousand pyramids. Unlike the ancient wonders our lunar legacy will remain unseen. It will slowly be relegated to legend. And in time it will become completely forgotten. But the footprints our countrymen left will outlive mountain ranges. The signature of Richard Nixon will still be visible on the day before the sun devours the earth.
2016-09-29 17:40:46 UTC
there is quite a few guidance on line approximately all six Moon landings. in case you pass to the 1st link, the Apollo Lunar floor magazine, you will locate video clips, photos and transcripts from all six landings, plus interviews with ten of the twelve adult adult males who walked on the Moon. There are additionally quite a few books approximately Apollo. i prefer to propose a guy on the Moon by using Andrew Chaikin, Voices From The Moon by using Andrew Chaikin, Failure isn't An decision by using Gene Kranz, and donning the hearth by using Michael Collins. those books are miraculous and intensely informative. you ought to additionally comprehend that the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has imaged all of six of the Apollo touchdown sites and all six of the Lunar Module descent levels are seen on the Moon's floor. See the final 2 hyperlinks. The landings have been actual no count number in case you prefer to hearken to to them or not.
David S
2008-05-28 06:11:29 UTC
I don't believe it was a conspiracy, so I'll try to address some of your questions. NASA has not returned to the moon for a variety of reasons. Space missions are a very expensive proposition; the U.S. accomplished it's goal of getting to the moon before the Soviets; the U.S. had had research priorities that could be accomplished in Earth orbit.

The flag was not blowing vigorously in the wind. The flag placed on the moon was designed to be stiff and upright, so that it would be visible. There is gravity on the moon, just not the same amount of gravity as there is here on Earth, because the moon is not as large. There was a camera built in to the lander so that man's first steps on the moon could be recorded for posterity.

There are very reasonable answers to all of your questions.
2008-05-28 05:54:57 UTC
They went, they're going to go again and if they hadn't gone, you wouldn't have this wonderful computer technology, many of the great medicines we use today and half the plastic items we use all day long.

I watched it. It wasn't staged, it was a marvelous feat of human courage and ingenuity. There was no reason that makes any sense at all to fake it. So many other things would have cost a lot less and been much easier to do to accomplish the things you listed above. The cold war ended because the Soviet Union's economy (communism) didn't work.
2008-05-28 06:43:11 UTC
Quite simply, yes, we did

"My Grandparents never believed it..."

-- Your Grandparents are wrong =(

"... and no one could convince them otherwise..."

-- Your Grandparents are arrogant fools, no offense.

"... I'm beginning to think they were right."

-- Then you are falling into the same death trap that the conspiratists are in. The people who think man never landed on the moon are in the same category of conspiracy theorists as the people who think there are aliens on the moon, NASA is secretly colonizing Mars, and NASA tried to destroy Jupiter with the Galileo probe. All of them chose to neglect the huge, overwhelming amount of evidence show they're wrong. Conspiracy theorists are unable to admit they're wrong, as opposed to unwilling. What next? You're going to start believing in the 2012 crap, Nibiru, or Planet X?

"I believe it was a conspiracy, I believe it was a lie all made up in a movie studio"

-- Tell this to the millions of people that worked on the Apollo program (not hundreds, not thousands, literally millions. The Government isn't THAT good at keeping secrets, it would require the millions of scientists, engineers, and such to play along, and for them all to keep silent for the rest of their lives. Not happening. Of course, since we DID go to the moon, it's not a problem =)

"...maybe to stop the cold war... " Speaking of that, Russia tracked Apollo 11 all the way to the moon to make sure we weren't faking it. Since we weren't faking it, and even Russia was able to realise it with something called "technology", it's all good! There's no conspiracy.

"...maybe to bring hope to Americans"

-- It did that well.

"...or maybe to pocket money that would have been used to really go the moon and they thought it cheeper to pull the wool over eyes." It would take more money than that to keep the entire planet confused. Think about it, keeping millions of people silent for decades doesn't work. And besides, how can you convince Russia to keep silent about it? Your conspiracy theories don't add up, man.

"... Who had to die to cover this up, was it Kennedy? Was it anyone at all or was it many?" Nobody had to die. Kennedy was killed by a crazed criminal, not some secret CIA agent protecting some crazy hoax. The Apollo 1 astronauts died in a capsule fire, if that counts for anything to you.

"If NASA went to the moon, why did they go and why haven't they been back?" They went for two reasons, to beat the Russians, and to conduct lunar science (<-- to learn about the moon). We haven't been back because American kind of lost interest, and the Apollo program was cancelled. But fear not, we are going to go back with the new Orion spacecraft, slated for first flight in 2015.

"And why does the video of their supposed trip to the moon have so many holes in it like the flag vigorously blowing in the wind" You are misinterpreting the video, as well as horrifically exaggeration your misinterpretation. The flag was not waving in the wind, it was responding to the astronauts motion. Imagine a rope tied to a tree, and you hang on to one end of it, if you move the rope, momentum carries it throughout the entirety of the rope. I assure you, this works in a vacuum. And it also works with flags in vacuums. The moon was not waving in the wind, it was transferring momentum from the astronauts motion.

"There's no gravity,"

Ah but there IS gravity on the moon, as well as on all planets and moons. Anybody with an education would know that... oh wait! haha, you're supporting a conspiracy theory, haha! No wonder.

"Who was the camera man? wouldn't he have been the first one to walk on the moon and not Armstrong?"

-- I'm not sure who the camera man was after the two got off the lander, but to get the image of the man walking on the moon, when Armstrong was climbing down the ladder, he pulled a mechanism on it that turned on a video camera on the outside of the lander, aimed at Armstrong. I assure you, Armstrong was indeed first on the moon, the camera that filmed it was not held by man, but rather, by a lander.

"There's a lot of questions about this event and not many answers",

-- The lack of answers you claim of is the refusal to accept truth. There ARE answers, you've just got to leave behind childish conspiracy mindsets.

"What do you think? What's your opinion?"

-- I think you're lost and confused, but not irreparably. I'm willing to help show you the light of truth so that you may abandon your ridiculous, counterproductive, contradictory, foolish, hypocrisies of the conspiritists.

My opinion? You need to grow up and get an education. Don't get in the same rut of ignorance your grandparents subjected themselves to. You also need to check your spelling and grammar.

"Some say we did not have that kind of technology back in the 60's"

-- Then they're wrong... lol that's not hard.

"I just don't think we went to the moon"

-- Then you're wrong... lol that's not hard.

" I don't think men have ever been past the International space station"

-- Then you're wrong... lol that's not hard.

-- There's been quite a few people who have been there. Ask them about it if you get the chance. I assure you, astronauts HAVE been to the ISS.

"b/c of radiation they would perish so they have to send machines otherwise it would be a waste of money."

-- The existence of radiation in the Near-Earth environment is real, but it is not as bad as conspiracy theorists want you to think. The radiation is not that bad, and astronauts have been in space for several months. The typical stay on the ISS is six months. It only took a few hours for the Apollo astronauts to pass through the radiation belts (which, might I add, are much higher than the space station's altitude). A few hours is considerably shorter than a few months. The Apollo astronauts were fine.
2008-05-28 05:47:26 UTC
ok first off...are you an expert in you have an IQ aboe 160 (thats genius)...i didnt think so, but A LOT of the people at nasa you think they would just 'forget' about covering up the flag blowing or the camera....i mean seriously...are they retarted or something...armstrong is twisting the pole into the ground when it waves....and the camera was shot form the lander etc....conspiracy theorists are so funny, its like talking to children
2008-05-28 05:47:04 UTC
yes man really went to the moon otherwise they wouldnt be wasting there money on building somethhing worth millions for nothing,and how else would we have images and the ssalite etc...?
2008-05-29 02:44:07 UTC
"There is alot of questions about this event and not many answers."

Actually this is asked and answered almost daily.

Either you are a liar, or too inept to type a few words into Yahoo!Answers search field...
fred[because i can]
2008-05-28 05:48:44 UTC
Go watch The Jetsons for 3 hours and then you will begin to see the cosmic reality of all the lunacy.
2008-05-28 05:44:59 UTC
Martin the baby
2008-05-28 05:45:07 UTC
yeah dude, till 2030 we are on mars
2008-05-28 06:39:30 UTC
yes u fool
2008-05-28 07:02:16 UTC
No we didn' don't need to be a genius to know that but you have to be crazy to believe it. In other words, insanity is a point of view, not a state of mind!
2008-05-28 06:59:55 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.