At high latitudes near the Summer/Winter Solstices the daylight period of of the day would be shorter than it is currently because the Earth would not need to rotate as far between the sunrise/sunset points.
Assuming some axis tilt, the seasons would still happen and have durations that are about what they are now. The climatic zones (arctic, temperate, and tropical),would shift towards the equator with the arctic zones reaching lower latitudes that they do now. Vegetation and wild life habitats would also shift towards the equator where topography did not block the movements. Wild life migration patterns would also be affected.
The polar caps would increase in size and the Earth's average temperature would drop. We would be running from more moose and polar bears at low latitudes than we do now. Penguins might be able to walk to Australia.
Ocean currents would likely change their flow paths and effects on global weather patterns.
We would need to recognize a new pole star. The rising and setting of the Sun, Moon, Stars and planets would occur at new points along our horizons. The Moon's orbit would shift to realign with the Earth's change in position. While it is shifting its orbit there would be a change in the length of the Earth's day as the angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system changed.
Be careful what you wish for.