do you think the moon landing was real or fake?
Many Stars
2014-08-30 23:57:07 UTC
There is such a large amount of substantial evidence that the moon landing video was faked. What do you believe and why?
24 answers:
2014-08-31 02:48:20 UTC
There are currently 34,829 questions on Yahoo!Answers containing the phrase "Moon landing", qnd its a good bet that 95% of them are from conspiritards trying to convince rational people that the Moon landings,  one of the most well documented and watched events in human history, were faked. There is an abundance of Web sites devoted to debunking the absurd claims of conspiracy nuts, such that the only way anyone can continue to cleave to such an ignorant belief is through willful ignorance.


One of these idiotic claims used to be the lack of telescopic images of the several landing sites. Explanations that the angular resolution of Earth-based telescopes (and later, of Hubble) is incapable of the high resolution needed to image such small structures.  (They *might* be able to see a major sports stadium, but nowhere near an object so small as a lunar lander.) Now, telescopes on spacecraft in lunar orbit have by now imaged most if not all of the Apollo sites, and are even able to see the footpaths where the astronauts walked back and forth between the lander and scientific equipment. So, what do the conspiritards do when confronted with this photographic evidence? Claim that *those* were faked, of course. Or that we sent robot landers down to make it *look* like humans had walked there. The ability of some people to delude themselves is nearly limitless, and moving the goalposts a favorite tactic of zealous believers, from religion to paranormal beliefs, to this. We could actually fly some hoaxers to the Moon to see for themselves, and they would claim that they were drugged and hypnotized into only *believing* that they went to the Moon. There's just no reasoning with some people--please don't become one of them.


2014-08-31 07:20:44 UTC
There is actual ZERO evidence the moon landings were fake.

Its interesting that the only people that think it was fake are people that weren't around at the time, kids that feel they missed out on the single most important achievement of modern civilization.

Somehow kids today seem to think that nothing of any value could possibly have occurred before their special little selves were born.

All 6 manned moon landings were real - the first on July 20, 1969 is the most documented event in history. Millions of people watched it live. thousands of technicians and scientists were involved in the space program for a decade before Apollo 11.

Russia was VERY motivated to find any tiny flaw or any tint hint of fakery. If there was even a tiny chance it was not real they would have been screaming "foul" around the world.

Kids today need to realize that the airplane, telephone, radio, television, cellphone, computer, telescope, microwave oven, DVD player, and internet were invented LONG before you were born.
2014-08-31 06:09:56 UTC
Every bit of the so called substantial evidence has been thoroughly refuted:

The flag has a metal rod sewn into the top of it.

The creases in the flag are from being folded during transit.

It only moves when one of the astronauts touches it.

The astronauts passed through the Van Allen Belt quickly; they were shielded from the radiation by the structure of their command module, The exposure they got was equivalent of getting several dental X-rays.

NASA didn't go back to the Moon because its funding and attention were diverted into developing and building the Space Shuttle.

There are Hi-res pictures of the Apollo landing sites, where you can clearly see the Lunar Descent Stage, the Lunar Rovers and the tracks the astronauts left on the Lunar surface.;_ylt=A0LEViUTHgNUd1sAOPoPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBsa3ZzMnBvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--?_adv_prop=image&fr=yhs-aztec-default&sz=all&va=lunar+landing+sites&hspart=aztec&hsimp=yhs-default

Finally, next time some tries to foist the Lunar Landing Hoax Conspiracy on you, ask them to explain the Apollo 13. If, according to them, the Apollo 11 and 12 landings were filmed on the sound stage, then why bother with all the suspense and drama of the Apollo 13? NASA could have just as easily staged the successful Apollo 13 mission and chalked up another triumph for the US.
Tom S
2014-09-03 12:10:55 UTC
There is no evidence that the Moon landings were fake (if you think so, produce some). They were very well documented events and the artifacts on the surface have been imaged many times. Grow up OK.
2014-08-31 06:00:01 UTC
All SIX of the Moon landings were real. Your "large amount of substantial evidence" can be disproved by anyone with a basic knowledge of science and photography.

The six Apollo Moon landings are among the best documented events in human history: thousands of pictures, hours of video, 382 kg. of Moon rocks, and millions of eye witnesses, including myself. There is not a single scientist in the world who doubts that they took place. To deny them is to discredit the magnificent achievement of the team which went to the Moon, and to reveal abysmal scientific ignorance.

The proofs of the Moon landings have been documented in detail on web sites like these:

If further proof is needed, NASA recently released images from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter showing 5 of the 6 Apollo landers, still on the surface of the Moon:
Dave M
2014-08-31 13:50:14 UTC
There is no evidence that the landings were faked. Every objection is specious and based on ignorance.

The is a huge amount of evidence that the multiple landings on the moon were real.
E = Mc²
2014-08-31 06:37:27 UTC
Your premise is flawed. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever supporting the claim the the moon landings - there were 6 of them - were faked. However, there is an insurmountable amount of evidence supporting the claim that the Apollo Moon landings are fact.
2014-09-01 15:13:29 UTC
No, I do not BELIEVE we landed on the moon. It is not a matter of belief, it is a simple fact that six Apollo missions landed on the moon between 1969 and 1972. Your second sentence it totally wrong, there is exactly ZERO credible evidence that any of the landings were faked, anyone believing otherwise is just profoundly ignorant.

Of course the landings were real, all six of them!

The "we never landed on the moon" wackos are the ones perpetuating the biggest hoax ever, based on the complete ignorance of the facts by conspiracy theory wackos, out to prove just how totally ignorant they really are.

I do not believe we landed on the moon, I KNOW we did. Moon landing hoax wackos merely regurgitate the same old tired lies, most of them originally put forward by the profoundly ignorant Bill Kaysing in the book "We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle!" in 1976 and a horrible TV program on Fox TV in 2001. NONE of his crazy claims stands up to serious scrutiny. NONE! The fact that all of the Apollo landing sites have since been imaged by various satellites from lunar orbit is hard to explain away! I am including links to a number of sites with the truth about these claims.

The moon landing hoax believers are just plain delusional and beyond all human help. As I have also said, I find it amusing, in a kind of sad way, that the same people who think that the most thoroughly documented voyage of exploration in history was a hoax are willing to believe any wacko conspiracy theory or doomsday prophecy. No critical reasoning skills people?

In addition to the sites already mentioned, which have actual FACTS to refute the myths and lies put forward by the lunar landing deniers, some of us actually have personal observations to prove that the missions DID occur. I was a member of an amateur radio/amateur astronomy group at the time the Apollo missions were flown, and among other things we distributed tracking information that allowed many of us to point our telescopes at the spacecraft on the way to the moon. Can any of the wackos explain to me what I was seeing at the expected coordinates, if it was NOT the Apollo spacecraft on the way to the moon???? Many others at sites around the world observed and some imaged the spacecraft in transit to the moon. Also, I have friends, other ham radio operators who were able to receive the audio and video directly from the lunar surface. I have seen their videos, kind of noisy since these friends were using much smaller dish antennas than NASA did, but they were clearly recognizable and their antennas were aimed directly at the moon. Explain that, moon hoax wackos!

A couple of quotes I like, the first from Carl Sagan:

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

From Daniel Patrick Moynihan, it SO applies to the moon hoax wackos:

You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are NOT entitled to your own facts.

Some of my qualifications to make these statements follow, what are yours?

My dad was an engineer on the Apollo program.

I am also an engineer, and spent over 20 years in aerospace.

Personal observations of the Apollo spacecraft on the way to the moon.

Common sense.
Red Rose
2014-08-31 00:08:04 UTC
>>Do you think the moon landing was real or fake?<<

Which one of the six landings are you referring to? Not that it matters, all were real.

>>There is such a large amount of substantial evidence that the moon landing video was faked.<<

No, there isn't.

>>What do you believe and why?<<

That the Apollo program (as well as the preceding Mercury and Gemini programs) happened as described in the historical record. I know this because of the huge amount of evidence provided (film, photographs, hardware, paperwork, rock, radio telemetry data - not all provided by NASA but also by countries other than the US) and my own critical reasoning skills and education in physics.

Visit the Clavius website for an introduction to the topic.
Roger K
2014-08-31 05:13:45 UTC
"large amount of substantial evidence"...

No, there is NO evidence at all that anything about the moon landings were faked.

Every single "reason" given to show that something was faked or filmed in a studio has been totally, thoroughly and completely debunked by many people and organizations.
2014-08-31 19:27:06 UTC
The manned Moon landings of Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 were all real. And there have been many more unmanned ones (too many for me to bother to list). Any others that you might be referring to are not.
2014-08-31 00:46:35 UTC
There is no evidence that the Moon landings were faked. And there is plenty of evidence that they actually happened, including photographs of the landing sites and several hundred pounds of Moon rock.

Only gullible morons believe the landings were faked
2014-09-03 11:34:16 UTC
I used to believe that it was true but I don't believe it anymore.

If they made six return trips to the moon in the 60's why haven't they gone back ???...

Because it's expensive and there is no political motive ?... I don't buy it.

Heck, forget the moon which is 240,000 mile way, no human has ever traveled beyond 400 mile from the earth and came back alive. But if anyone happens to know of any manned mission from any country that went beyond 400 mile please let me know.

Sure, they can start calling names like "Hoax Idiots" all they like but let's face it...

After another 50 years are they going to continue to say "We went to the moon a century ago but we don't go there any more because it's too expensive" ?... Who do you think will look like an "Idiot" then ?...
2014-08-31 00:15:55 UTC
The moon landings were real and some of the photos supposedly taken on the moon were , I believe , taken on earth during a dummy run of the landing as part of training process. However, because of the clarity of these earthly images and maybe for a degree of secrecy, some of the photos taken on earth were released along with some original photos from the moon to satisfy the public's interest. A lot of the anomalies found is a clear misunderstanding of basic science. However, camera cross hairs that appear partly obscured by flags etc as well as similar backgrounds from different lunar sites is, in my opinion what you might expect after the image has been doctored and photos taken from the same area during training. However, just because you have a few doctored and air brushing of photos does not mean the moon landing did not take place. It might however indicate that we have been duped into accepting what is a photo taken during training as being the real thing; in other words it was a bit of a cheat. There are lots of examples were the public are given fake products that are passed off as being the genuine article. However, if you get found out there can be litigation.

The radio telescope at Jodrell bank is said to have tracked the first spacecraft to the moon and even records a sudden change in trajectory as Neil Armstrong had to take control during those last few seconds of descent.
2014-09-01 04:24:59 UTC
The moon landing is real , not fake
2014-08-31 03:36:40 UTC
Real, even though I believe, Because, I want to be an astronaut. Most of the astronauts are trip to moon and some are failure in trip for the moon. Even though, women's are also reaching to top edge of men's feet. The First woman to journey on space was Valentina Tereshkova. She was Russian Cosmonaut. And the first man to land on moon was Neil Armstrong, American astronaut. The first man to step up on the space was Yuri Gagarin, Russian Cosmonaut.
2014-08-31 00:05:01 UTC
What "evidence"? The owls hiding on the LEM or the Coke bottle accidentally left behind by the film crew?

The Moon Landing Hoax conspiracy theorists are not only scientifically illiterate, they are laughable.
2014-08-31 01:51:32 UTC
You said landing. that is your first mistake. It was LANDINGS. SIX OF THEM.

There is NO Evidence that will stand up that the moon missions were fakes.
2014-08-31 16:49:04 UTC
who cares?

you want to believe it was a fake then believe it

(and americans wonder why the rest ot the world thinks they are a country populated by morons)
2014-08-31 00:04:53 UTC
I believe that people who believe the moon landing was fake are total idiots.

I can't wait to see how these brain dead imbeciles react to a mission to Mars.
2014-08-31 07:51:46 UTC
Actually... there's no evidence it was faked at all.
2014-08-31 02:51:48 UTC
" . . .the moon landing . . ."

When you know enough to know what's wrong with that construction, then you might get a serious discussion.
2014-08-31 00:33:45 UTC
It was real.
2014-08-31 12:45:51 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.