But they have!
"The Effect of Tropospheric Turbulence in the Jovial Environment on Ping Pong Balls; the effect of Martian Atmospheric Winds and Pressure on Ping Pong Balls; Saturnian Storms and Ping Pong Balls, and lastly, Probabilistic Analysis of the Physical Survival of Ping Pong Balls in the Solar Chromosphere,"
By Marvin J. Stephens, Ph. D., F.R.A.S. LL.D. H.M.S, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Sec. R. S. Lond. F. R. S. Edin. Corresp. Memb. of the R. S. of Gottingen, of the R. A. of Naples, the helvetic Society, and the Acad, dei Lincei at Rome; Assoc. ex intim. Acad. Dijon; For. Sec. Astronom. Soc. Lond.; Member of the Phil. Soc. of Cambridge, Corresp. Philomath. Soc. Paris; honorary Memb. of the Soc. for promoting useful Arts in Scotland; &c.
The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 817, N 2, February 2016, pp. 867-910