what is this space mystery?
2010-05-25 21:17:51 UTC
okay i have sum questions all random . plzz bear with me in this

1 according to the big bang theory the universe started from a point and that there is no thing outside it .space and time dosent exist ... but how can this be ??? i mean how can there be no time and space??? so what is outside this one point . i can t accept that there is nothing outside this point. so can we assume that there is space outside the point?

2 what is the shape of this universe ??? are there ant thing outside this universe can we assume that there are more universes. all books say only one but then eveything has an end whatever these books say. so after this end what is there... ?????

3 what is the theory of relativity in simple terms??? does wormhole exists ??? can we travel in time... and if we can do then consider this scenario
1 a person dies on 28 if i go back in time to 27 will he be there. i mean he is dead na ??/ so then then he will *** back to life????
2 if i drop something and then i go back in time to the point where i was going to drop it then will it be in my hand...???
3 then there is this grandfather something paradox. What is this actually???? i dint understand and it says that another parallel universe will be created if i go back in time and kill my grandfather. another parallel universe how can that be?? so are there many universes????

4 do you think that the big crunch will occur and if it does when??? in this everything reverts back to that one point where everything happened( big bang) so then what will be there in the place where the universe had occupied. plz dont tell no time no space. there shold be something outside na????

5 what is antimatter???? plz define in simple terms

6 if we travel in the speed of light then the time will move slower ?? so then everything becomes slow ??
if i drop something in this case will it move slowly or will we get the feeling that time is moving slowly or will the time according to us will go as normal but in reality it will be slow???

7 will teleportation actually work??? in this process we are converted to electrons in one end but in the other end we will be reconstructed then will we have life when we are reconstructed?? we are broken apart na???
8 how does earth get gravity?? due to its mass but how. a magnet attract an iron piece because it is metallic but earth attract everything???
plzzz forgive me if what i ask is foolishness but plz give me a suitable explanation. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz thank you " gary b" for u r previous explanation
Four answers:
Thor is a loving God Too.
2010-05-25 23:10:30 UTC
1)You probably consider space "nothing", which it isn't, so it is hard for you to comprehend "nothing". Time is only relative to matter moving through space. If you don't have space or matter, you can't have time. Think about it, what would time tick by in reference to if there was nothing. Nothing would change and if nothing changes, how can you have time?

2) sphere, based on expanding in all directions from a single point, but no one really knows.

3)Time is relative to the speed an object is traveling through space. The faster you travel, the slower time goes by, but only relative to someone moving slower. Ex. if you went on a 5 year trip in a space ship that could travel close to the speed of light, you would come back to earth and to you it would seem like you were gone for 5 years, but it would be hundreds or thousands (depending how close to the speed of light) of years into the future on earth and everyone you know would be long gone. Gravity also has an effect on time. Inside a black hole where gravity is infinite, time stops completely (it doesn't exist). Same thing happens at the speed of light. Theoretically worm holes exist, but the energy needed to create one is WAY beyond our capabilities (maybe far in the future). All that can be said about time travel is that it is possible in theory. For sure into the future, because all you have to do is travel very fast (even a rocket traveling at 17,000 mph comes back to earth slightly into the future and it's on board clocks have proven this).

According to quantum mechanics, there almost has to be parallel universes. The LHC will shine more light on this topic in the near future. Many of the most brilliant theoretical physicists believe there must be parallel universes to make any sense of 100 years of observations.

4) According to currant calculations there isn't enough mass in the universe to cause it to collapse in a big crunch. Most scientists believe it will keep expanding forever (big chill).

5) antimatter is pretty much just like matter and if there was another you made from antimatter it would look identical to you, but if you were to come into contact with your antimatter self, you would annihilate each other in a conflagration of pure energy with the power of a million atomic bombs. The difference is antimatter atoms have a negative charged nucleus and have protons instead of electron. Both were created in the big bang, with a tiny bit more matter than antimatter.

6) To understand this you have to first realize that time is relative to speed. A clock on earth is only accurate to us traveling at the speed the earth is traveling through space. Our time means absolutely nothing for someone traveling faster or if they are nearer a massive gravitational field. To them their time seems to go by normal, but if we could observe them from our perspective it would seem to go by slower. Think of it kind of like the 2 different perspectives of 2 people looking at the same car doing 100mph. To the person standing on the side of the road, the car appears to be going 100mph (relative to them), but to the person inside the car it appears to not be moving at all (relative to them). This isn't the best analogy ,but it shows how the speed of something (time) is relative to how fast the observer is traveling through space.

7) In theory teleportation is possible, but again not with our currant technology.

8) Mass distorts the fabric of space and the more mass the greater the distortion. Matter travels through space in a straight line, but a massive object (our sun) bends space around it, so the earth follows the curved space. Picture a rubber sheet pulled tight over the top of a barrel and then roll a marble across it. It will go in a straight line. Now place a heavy lead ball on the sheet and roll the marble. The lead ball will distort the sheet causing the marble to follow a curved path around the ball, just like the earth around the sun.

None of the questions you asked are foolishness. I find them just as intriguing as you do.

Edit: There are some very good documentaries that you can find on the web, that can explain these things better than I can.
2010-05-26 04:35:30 UTC
You are getting all these things so seriously, I am telling you that be patient in your curosity and that the knowledge come with the tolerance... but your questions are very intenresting and I would like to answer it...

It would be difficult for me to answer them but I shall try it..

Your first question is that how there should not any space and time before the bigbang...

this is little bit complicated...

Now, I am tellilng you cosider your self... now I am asking you a question whcich will tell you the answer of your question the question is that were you before the BIGBANG???

If you were before the bigbang then there should be the space and time before the big and of you were not born be4 the bigbang then there should not the space and time..

now you may be thinking that what is the relationship betwean me and the space...

So, i say that as you know that the sun and the stars and the galaxies are going away from the each other this is due to the super blast occured at the bigbang... so, when these galaxies spread so that there density is almost zero after that they will squeez back to the pont and all the space is shrink to the single point...

the concept of space is due to the distance of some matter from the other o.k make it clear... so, whent there will be no matter then how could there would be space... and how could there be time.. so i can say that there is no space and no time...
2010-05-26 06:03:53 UTC
I'll make universe * for short

ans-1) there was a * be4 th bg bng whic gt destryd by th bg crnch

ans-2) th shap of th * is (maybe) circle as it is said that th * expands evenly in all directions

ans-3)wormholes are nothing but blackholes and whiteholes together forming a tunnel.

Now whiteholes are thought to be like fountains of light at the end of a black hole.

u can't explain the theory of .... in simple terms.

(imp fr scenario) I think we can only travel in time if we could travel to other parallel * which are slower in time

scenario-2) at the first place when u are dropping the stone u will see yourself coming from the future

and then if you yourself in your universe donot travel to the past and be present when u are dropping the stone then u will separate one parallel * from the *

scenario-1) u cant change the past . that will create unlimited amount of paradoxes which wuld eventually kill you and one of the parallel *

scenario-3) u are rit fr th paradox if you kill your grandpa in another parallel * then you will or will not cease to exist. if you are from another * then you will (maybe live) and you can not time travel to yor on *. ther are therefore millions of parallel *

scenario-4) if there is more dark matter than the amount of dark energy then yes

a) big crunch

b) big bang

c)another universe

scenario-5) if a particle has a positive charge then antimatter is the same particle with the - charge

when the universe started it had lots of antimatter which possibly got reduced

scenario-6) u can't travel at the speed of light even if u do you'll die at the same exact moment.When youll travel at the speed of light time will be slower for you only because youll be at many places in a second

scenario-7) dono

scenario-8) dono

I expained to you as much as i culd and by the way

vvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrry interesting question
2010-05-26 11:45:01 UTC
i have to say you are doing some serious thinking. whew! keep it up. read michael Creighton's' Time line. you will enjoy it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.