2010-05-25 21:17:51 UTC
1 according to the big bang theory the universe started from a point and that there is no thing outside it .space and time dosent exist ... but how can this be ??? i mean how can there be no time and space??? so what is outside this one point . i can t accept that there is nothing outside this point. so can we assume that there is space outside the point?
2 what is the shape of this universe ??? are there ant thing outside this universe can we assume that there are more universes. all books say only one but then eveything has an end whatever these books say. so after this end what is there... ?????
3 what is the theory of relativity in simple terms??? does wormhole exists ??? can we travel in time... and if we can do then consider this scenario
1 a person dies on 28 if i go back in time to 27 will he be there. i mean he is dead na ??/ so then then he will *** back to life????
2 if i drop something and then i go back in time to the point where i was going to drop it then will it be in my hand...???
3 then there is this grandfather something paradox. What is this actually???? i dint understand and it says that another parallel universe will be created if i go back in time and kill my grandfather. another parallel universe how can that be?? so are there many universes????
4 do you think that the big crunch will occur and if it does when??? in this everything reverts back to that one point where everything happened( big bang) so then what will be there in the place where the universe had occupied. plz dont tell no time no space. there shold be something outside na????
5 what is antimatter???? plz define in simple terms
6 if we travel in the speed of light then the time will move slower ?? so then everything becomes slow ??
if i drop something in this case will it move slowly or will we get the feeling that time is moving slowly or will the time according to us will go as normal but in reality it will be slow???
7 will teleportation actually work??? in this process we are converted to electrons in one end but in the other end we will be reconstructed then will we have life when we are reconstructed?? we are broken apart na???
8 how does earth get gravity?? due to its mass but how. a magnet attract an iron piece because it is metallic but earth attract everything???
plzzz forgive me if what i ask is foolishness but plz give me a suitable explanation. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz thank you " gary b" for u r previous explanation