Do you believe that we really landed on the Moon?
2009-01-04 02:13:53 UTC
Much controversy exists about whether we landed on the Moon in 1969. I'd like to believe that we did, but I saw a disturbing film that showed the American flag apparently flapping in the wind as it was planted. I know that a bar was extended through the top of the flag to keep it open due to the lack of an atmosphere on the Moon, but what could account for the bottom rippling?
Seventeen answers:
2009-01-04 03:12:48 UTC
The astronauts were rotating the flagpole back and forth t make sure that they had planted it firmly in the ground. Because of the crossbar, this action---even without the friction of an atmosphere---caused the flag to wave.
2009-01-04 02:29:19 UTC
I don't believe it, I know it happened. The technology for it is not very special, you learn the required math to validate the capabilities of the Apollo program in just a single semester at university (basic spaceflight lecture, really simple stuff).

"Much controversy" is also a strong exaggeration. Only very few idiots without any knowledge about physics claim it was faked. The only guy of these, who worked in the Apollo program, was a bachelor of arts who had the job of making the technical documentation of the rocket engines look pretty. He still has no clue on how rocket engines work. All spaceflight engineers on this planet (and we are talking about a few hundred thousand people) will tell you that it happened.

The flag was not flapping in the wind - which wind? For the bottom rippling, just look at all photos of the flag during a mission, for example the Apollo 11 archives. You will find out that the ripples don't change over time, they don't move. The flag was only moving a bit as whole when the astronauts rammed the pole into the ground, but as you can see on the video sequence, the movement damped out early after the astronauts removed their hands and remained stationary afterwards.
2009-01-04 02:25:09 UTC
All of this controversy is just 'made up'. I actually saw it happen in real time back in July 1969. It was totally real & happening. I guess the newer generation has their doubts but that is about the same as believing in aliens. We did go to the Moon several times!!! The flag was held up by a vertical poloe and draped from a horizontal pole along the top. The reason the flag appeared to wave was that an astronaut has touched the falg and due to the lack of an atmosphere the flag had no resistance to settle its waving down quickly. Theye even proved this on the show 'MythBusters'
2009-01-04 04:25:12 UTC
are you serious?

i mean, really?

in your Universe, there are only two explanations, either you are saying that 100,000 scientists and engineers, all of whom know that the Moon has no atmosphere SIMPLY FORGOT one day while filming the Moon Landing in the (apparently very windy) desert out by Area 51, or you aren't smart enough to tell a still image from a movie.

Here's my challenge. Find a movie clip showing the flag flapping wildly in the Nevada night, where no astronaut is touching it, or...

read a book.

the Moon Landing Hoax is SO last year. Get on the 2012 bandwagon!
2009-01-04 02:26:40 UTC
We did land on the moon--it's a matter of fact, not of "belief." The so-called "controversies" are nonsense. For example, AT THE TIME,NASA pointed out that the flag moved because it was suspended on a wire. When the flagpole was pushed in the ground, the movement caused the wire--and thus the flag--to vibrate. The flag is a piece of cloh--when part of it moved, all of it moved.

The fake controversy is the result of propaganda by some anti-American groups in foreign countries. Sadly, some unpatriotic Americans think it's "cool" to tell lies about their own country. That's all the "controversy" amounts to.

These people fall into three categories. Some are communists who don't like to admit that America beat the Soviet Union in the race to the moon. Others are ultra-right wing conservatives who hat the fact the lunar program was liberal achievement (which conservatives opposed) and would rather slander America than face the historical facts. And, of course, some of these people are simply mentally ill and given to delusions.
2009-01-04 02:32:56 UTC
Not this one again!

Here's the conclusive proof: The USSR did not, at any point, claim that the American moon landings were faked. They had more reason than anyone to want them to be fake and the political points they'd have scored by showing them to be fake was astronomical. They also had the technology to be absolutely certain where the Apollo capsules actually went and where the radio transmissions were coming from. And so many people would have had to have been involved in faking the landings that it's inconceivable that the USSR would not have found out about it.

So the fact that the USSR accepted the landings as real, immediately and without any question or hesitation, is all the proof that's required to guarantee that they really happened.

I was in my late teens during the Mercury/Gemini/Apollo missions and the whole world was watching. NASA did everything right out in the open, from Explorer 1 onward. It is preposterous to claim that any of it - especially the moon landings themselves - were faked. News of that would have leaked out by now, anyone with real evidence of faking would make themselves a fortune by selling their story.

Enough already. I watched it happen. It was real. Ask the Russians.
2009-01-04 02:28:57 UTC
The astronauts were moving the flag into position. Without air drag, these movements caused the free corner of the flag to swing like a pendulum for some time. A horizontal rod, visible in many photographs, extended from the top of the flagpole to hold the flag out for proper display. The flag's rippled appearance was from folding during storage, and it could be mistaken for motion in a still photograph. The top support rod telescoped and the crew of Apollo 11 could not fully extend it. Later crews preferred to only partially extend the rod. Videotapes shows that when the flag stops after the astronauts let it go, it remains motionless. At one point the flag remains completely motionless for well over thirty minutes.


We landed on the moon.
2009-01-04 02:47:57 UTC
There is no controversy. It happened. There are a few shonky web sites that could not prove the skin on a rice pudding and a few youtube videos that prove apes are smarter than some humans. But if you look at the film, more than anything it shows a fabric moving in a vacuum. There is another cracking video taken from the ascent module showing a bit of foil blown by the rocket engine exhaust going straight for ages. That would not happen in air.

Crude experiment. Try to mimic it with a tea towel or light weight fabric cloth square and see how the atmosphere dampens the movement.

Another trick the proponents use is only using part of the main film. They cherry pick shots they think can enhance the hoax. Problem is you can buy the films and watch them in full. People point this out to them but it is ignored. They also refuse to engage in debate with people who are well qualified to say they are talking rubbish. Other than hiding on sites where they can control the content. Like you tube.

Sorry, it does grate with me but if you are genuine and would like to find out more then I can recomend a few sites. There is a forum with the first one. Peruse it.

Read up on it and try to understand it, it is fascinating and more than anything it can be backed up and verified. Unlike the hoaxes.
2009-01-04 03:10:46 UTC
There is no controversy. The only people who believe the Moon landings did not happen are pig-ignorant teenagers and foolish adults, none of whom were alive when it happened. Some are not even aware that there were two world wars. Their opinions are worth nothing.

I have seen a similar flag video on YouTube. It is clearly animated, probably by the known liar and fraud Bart Sibrel.
Innocent Victim
2009-01-04 02:23:55 UTC
No controversy exists. We landed men on the moon six times between 1969 and 1972. A little knowledge of simple physics is all that's needed to counter the pseudoscience that says otherwise.
Michel Verheughe
2009-01-04 02:27:49 UTC
I am Norwegian and "we" didn't land on the moon. But you are American and you should be proud that your countrymen achieved that great event in 1969.

Did you know that when Armstrong talked to Houston, he didn't talk with the people of NASA but with the people of CSC (Computer Sciences Corporation) who were responsible for all communications? (My son works for CSC in Norway).

Now, imagine how much it would have cost to keep all the "counterfeit" movie producer, all the NASA, CSC, state employees and everyone involved in a forgery to keep the month shut for the rest of their live. Not a word to any friend or family member and keep it secret to the last day.

How much do you think the press would give you for any information that could confirm a forgery? One million dollars? How much would it cost to fake the landing? How much cheaper would it be to really send people on the moon?

You honor, I rest my case! :-)

EDITED: In answer to Blindguy: I challenge you to find any "foreign" web site that talks about a fake moon landing. It is not the invention of foreigner but of paranoia Americans.
2016-12-24 15:24:32 UTC
i won't be able to believe this question remains available. after all this time and all the individuals who decide for to believe it extremely is faux and all the enemies of our u . s . and individuals in our u . s . who're able to proving it faux i merely can not believe it remains an argument. The moon touchdown handed off. How come people merely can not believe it. What do people think of approximately all the different area adventures because then? believe me if it replaced into faux somebody might might have grabbed that minute of popularity whilst they uncovered it by way of now. it hasn't been proved faux using fact the u.s. despatched adult adult males to the moon. It replaced right into a important accomplishment for us to attain this. do no longer you think of the enemy governments interior the international might have broke their necks to teach it a hoax? so people merely have delight on your u . s . and get on with existence. The moon touchdown handed off. i'm very proud that we've been the 1st myself.
2009-01-04 02:39:17 UTC
You know what I, as an Australian, find amusing.... it seems that only Americans keep asking this question! No-one else doubts it - the technology and the political dynamics of the time were right, and the US was unquestionably in the right position and frame of mind to do it.

Of course "you" (meaning the US) (and "we"...meaning the human race) went to the moon! Be proud of it - it was an exciting and exhilarating time!
2009-01-04 02:24:29 UTC
many things happen back then...

america wanted to be the best and for landing on the moon, it did become the best, briefly...maybe it was a fake just so america can show that it was in prime power at that time in history.

even so, id like to think that the americans did land on the moon and it was not a conspiracy.
sarang d
2009-01-04 04:45:18 UTC
No not at all ,At 1st when Russia sent space craft in the space, to get more popular & to show their power America establlished NASA .

Man havent stepes on moon yet it was just shoot on a desert .

Their r` many evidences on that ....
2009-01-04 03:14:45 UTC
ߞ★ ...:.:... ŁεႿἷΣ
2009-01-04 02:22:44 UTC
there will always be conspiracy theorists , i believe we did land.

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