The thing with SCIENCE and RELIGION is was is ACCIDENTAL and AUTOMATED with NO ACTIVE INTELLEGENT PARTICIPATION or did someone named GOD push a button and make it happen.
Science view (not necessiarly real, but we have no alternatives)
The MASS of the Universe is CONSTANT
All the STARS, GALAXIES, PLANETS and FREE HYDGROGEN has always been there and always will be there in ONE FORM OR ANOTHER (sounds a bit religious to me, something ETERNAL)
It all clumps together (the BIG CRUNCH theory) and forms a SINGULARITY
That's a HUGE ROCK made out of ALL the MASS, all the STARS, all the PLANETS, all the GALAXIES
This huge rock FALLS IN UPON ITSELF creating a HUGE gravity well
Eventually the atomic elements that make up this SINGULARITY start to FUSE and become DIFFERENT and as a result of FUSION give off HEAT, GAMMA RAYS, XRAYS, LIGHT and eventually it goes critical and
What happens when MASS or MATTER is heated.
It expands
If you get a FUSION reaction it expands quickly and you get a BIG BANG
And all the constituent atoms of this SINGULARITY are thrown out into space to form the universe in a variety of forms.
FREE electrons, protons, neutrons, positrons, maybe some chuncks of the singualrity which become what we call "black holes" and as this heated plasma cools Hydrogen forms from natural bonding, then comes helium and then clumps of this stuff become STARS.
Eventually all the solid and gasioius and hot plasmic masses of the unverse are formed
Stars, planets, asteroids, meteros, comets, galaxies, luminosity or nebulocity
They go out into space varying from the speed of light for Gamma and X rays to much slower for older stars and planets like the Earth.
The question is
Did an intellegent being named GOD make this happen or does it just happen on its own through a mindelss perpetutual motion device (take note, the US Patent office will NOT issue a patent on a PERPETUAL motion device).
That is the issue.
The Postulate was put forth by a Catholic Priest who was a Physicists and his math was SIMULTANIOUSLY also published by two other people working in different areas around the same time.
That is PROOF #1
Three PEOPLE simultaniously came up with the same MATH to describe the event.
It was based on the work of Planck and Einstein and others.
Next came Hubbles Discovery of Red Shift or stars and galaxies MOVING AWAY.
That is Proof #2
Then in the 1960's Bell Labs found the Cosmic Ray signature that the Catholic Priest said would be present, that Einstein embraces as the best concept for creation he ever heard.
Bell labs found a 3.6 degree Kelvin background noise EVERYWHERE, which would be the COSMIC GAMMA RAY SIGNATURE of the FIRST PARTICLES OUT in the BIG BANG
The EDGE of the Universe. Predicted by the Catholic Priest and PROVED by Bell Labs in 1960.
This lead the SCIENTIFIC community to favor the BIG BANG or EXPANDED universe theory over the STEADY STATE theory.
This turned BIG BANG from a HYPOTHESIS to a THEORY.
That is your lession in Big Bang
The Religious vs Atheist debate is if SOMEONE or SOMETHING made it happen (God) or it JUST happens by regualarity or accident (Randomistic).
Einstein, on this topic, once said
"God doesn't play dice."
Hawking on this topic rebuts
"God DOES play dice!"
Religion as a whole (Catholics, Jews, etc.) accepts Big Bang and Darwinism, but DOES NOT accept RANDOMISM as the influence behind it all.
Religion accepts an INTELLEGENCE behind it, called, for the lack of a better word, GOD.
Atheist science says it is TOTALLY RANDOM and a matter of SERENDIPITY.
THAT, is the area of dispute.
So one, you, has to decide ACCIDENTAL RANDOMISM or WILLFUL INTENT.
I do remind you, seedless water mellons don't NATURALLY grow on vines and neither do IPODS, MICROWAVE OVENS or TV SETS.
The BEST benefits of LIFE come from INTELLEGENT DESIGN.
Otherwise you'd live in a cave or a hole in the ground.
Do YOU think MAN is the ULTIMATE creator OR is there someone or something GREATER than man out there in the universe.