Let me put it this way.
I say there are exactly forty-seven grains of sand in the Sahara desert. Not even our best scientists can tell us the exact number of grains of sand in the Sahara desert, so how can you tell me I'm wrong?
Well, that's easy. All you have to do is go to the Sahara and observe that it contains some different number of grains of sand. You don't need to count them all. The instant you reach forty-eight, you've gathered enough data to reach a conclusion, because you don't need complete information to answer a question. You only need enough information to rule out alternative answers.
So even though we don't know how many grains of sand there are in the Sahara desert, we know the answer isn't forty-seven because we can gather enough data to rule out that possibility.
In much the same manner, we don't need to know exactly what gravity is. We only need to know enough to be able to falsify the idea it doesn't exist, and we know that much.
As for whether I've seen the Earth with my own eyes or measured it...
Have I ever looked directly at the entire Earth from far enough away to see that it's an oblate spheroid (that would be the term you're looking for)? No.
Have I seen the Earth from orbit?
Yes. Many times.
We put cameras on all the rockets we send into space. Have for a very long time. We have a camera on the ISS pointed directly at the Earth so you can watch it as the ISS orbits it.
I have no reason to assume all of those videos, and these days all the live feeds, are being faked.
I have directly measured the shape of the Earth in more than one way, though. It isn't difficult to do. The ancient Greeks figured out how to do it with such heady, cutting-edge technology as two sticks, the Sun, and a basic knowledge of geometry and trigonometry.
We've figured out how to do it several other ways since then, and I've either measured or helped to measure it using three different methods.
YOU may not have ever measured the shape of the Earth because you're too ignorant to know how-- which seems likely given your stance on that thar evil bookification learnin'-- but not all of us are as wantonly stupid as you.
The Earth is an oblate spheroid.