even scientists aren't sure exactly what gravity is, so how can you say its real ?
2021-03-26 12:41:40 UTC
also i don't believe the earth is round or a ball shape of any kind,  i do not know how big it is or what shape it is because I have not seen it with my own eyes or measured it neither have you.

all i can say is in my 46 to 47 years of life in this world,  that is what I know.  don't ask me to read books because books are all full of lies.  i believe what my eyes show me.
58 answers:
2021-03-31 20:04:42 UTC
First, let's address gravity. Gravity doesn't technically "exist" in the Newtonian way that children are taught. We are taught that there is this inherent force that causes two objects to attract toward each other. In reality, it is a byproduct of how objects effect space-time. Earth is massive so it bends space toward it. As you travel through time (linear, one-way), your natural progression is an acceleration toward Earth. But for mathematical purposes, gravity is accurate enough to how Newton describes it.

Second, the shape of the Earth. Earth has been observed to be round for thousands of years. But don't take my word for it - look at it yourself. Go to a shoreline and watch a departing ship sail off over the horizon. If the Earth were flat, you would be able to see it get smaller and smaller until it was too far away for you to see. But what happens instead is that you see it go down and out of your sight - it goes around enough of the curve that you cannot see it anymore over the water. Also, put some thought into what it would mean for Earth to be flat. People travel eastward from the US to Europe, eastward from Europe to Asia, and eastward from Asia to the US. Surely, people would hit the edge of the world, right?

You say you believe what your eyes show you. Have you seen magic performances like Penn and Teller? The whole point of those performances is for you to see something impossible happen right in front of your very own eyes. They aren't actually wizards, ya know.

One last thing. I don't really understand your stance on this. You say that you can't trust the shape of Earth because you have not observed it yourself. You say you believe what your eyes show you. Yet, you are questioning the existence of gravity? When gravity is something that you observe all the time in your everyday life? What's the deal?
Jeffrey K
2021-03-28 06:19:37 UTC
Jump off a diving board. If you fall into the water, you have proven gravity. 

Use your own eyes to look at the moon during a lunar eclipse. You will see earth's shadow. What shape is it?Watch a sailboat go over the horizon on the ocean. Does the bottom disappear before the sails? If so, you have seen earth's curvature.Call a friend who lives a couple thousand miles east or west of you. Ask them if it's night or day. If one of you is in night while the other is in daylight, you have proven earth is round. 
2021-03-27 20:09:43 UTC
You've never seen it, so surely it doesn't exist huh? I bet your mom has to wipe up the drool from your chin after she dresses you in the morning. 
2021-03-27 11:23:50 UTC
Throw a ball up in the air.
2021-03-27 11:19:50 UTC
Thank you, former president Donald Trump.
2021-03-26 20:33:08 UTC
I'd answer your question, but since I've never actually seen you, I think you may not really exist.   In my 78 years of life in this world, this is what I don't know, AND I'M PROUD OF IT!
2021-03-26 19:32:36 UTC
Go set under an apple tree and at harvest time see which way the apples fall.  Go under a rock ledge and see which way the rocks fall when they do fall, or go jump out of a plane and see which way you go. In all three cases you will see that every thing falls to EARTH! Profit Gravity is for real fool!
2021-03-26 19:00:20 UTC
How do tides happen if there's no gravity?

It can be proven that except for one abstract exception, a sphere cannot be mapped onto a two-dimensional surface without distortion.  Therefore, if Earth is flat it would mean that long-distance train routes such as the Trans-Siberian railway, the Trans-Canadian railway or the rail route across Australia would take the appropriate time to traverse given the fact of them being flat, i.e. if the North Pole is at the centre, it would take less time to cross Canada by train than Australia.  Train timetables cannot be inaccurate because passengers would know and trains wouldn't turn up at the right times.  If you look up the actual train times for Australia and Canada, they correspond to them crossing curved surfaces at the latitiudes expected and not a flat surface.  Therefore Earth is approximately round.

Or, look at distant traffic cams and notice whether it's day or night where they are. You will find there's a circle of light and a circle of dark.  This can only happen on a spheroidal surface.  Again, traffic cams cannot be fake because motorists would notice.

Or, ping distant servers and time them, and you will find the time increases according to their distance as if the signals are travelling along geodesic curves.  Go several directions radially from your location to your presumed antipodes.

Or, travel north to south and measure the lengths of shadows at noon using a stick of known length.

I've tried the first three of these and it demonstrates that we are on a large curved surface 40000 km in circumference, lit on one side by the Sun and rotating.

Or, ping
daniel g
2021-03-26 18:38:09 UTC
Scientists know exactly what gravity is,,The earth is an oblate spheroid,, and 47 years old makes you the record for infantile intelligence.

Smoke that one in your banjo mini ha ha. (Roy Clark)
2021-03-26 13:20:35 UTC
Everything in science is proven, So gravity is also real. You can't believe everything you see, 

Hope this helps you. 
2021-03-30 04:03:38 UTC
Sometimes the need to mess with their heads. It outweighs the millstone of humiliation.
2021-03-29 07:32:50 UTC
Because you can observe it’s effects, whether it’s you dropping an apple or watching the effects the sun has on other planetary bodies.
2021-03-28 17:53:57 UTC
Look at photographs of the earth taken by men standing on the moon.  Or is that a hoax too?
2021-03-28 17:10:35 UTC
If gravity isn't real...then what's keeping us anchored to the ground?  Why can't we just float off into space?  I mean if we could we could prove if it's a globe or disk or whatever other theories.
Kicking and Screaming
2021-03-28 13:50:47 UTC
Nothing has ever fallen up or ever will.
2021-03-28 10:17:13 UTC
Let me put it this way.

I say there are exactly forty-seven grains of sand in the Sahara desert.  Not even our best scientists can tell us the exact number of grains of sand in the Sahara desert, so how can you tell me I'm wrong?

Well, that's easy.  All you have to do is go to the Sahara and observe that it contains some different number of grains of sand.  You don't need to count them all.  The instant you reach forty-eight, you've gathered enough data to reach a conclusion, because you don't need complete information to answer a question.  You only need enough information to rule out alternative answers.

So even though we don't know how many grains of sand there are in the Sahara desert, we know the answer isn't forty-seven because we can gather enough data to rule out that possibility.

In much the same manner, we don't need to know exactly what gravity is.  We only need to know enough to be able to falsify the idea it doesn't exist, and we know that much.

As for whether I've seen the Earth with my own eyes or measured it...

Have I ever looked directly at the entire Earth from far enough away to see that it's an oblate spheroid (that would be the term you're looking for)?  No.

Have I seen the Earth from orbit?

Yes.  Many times.

We put cameras on all the rockets we send into space.  Have for a very long time.  We have a camera on the ISS pointed directly at the Earth so you can watch it as the ISS orbits it.

I have no reason to assume all of those videos, and these days all the live feeds, are being faked.

I have directly measured the shape of the Earth in more than one way, though.  It isn't difficult to do.  The ancient Greeks figured out how to do it with such heady, cutting-edge technology as two sticks, the Sun, and a basic knowledge of geometry and trigonometry.

We've figured out how to do it several other ways since then, and I've either measured or helped to measure it using three different methods.

YOU may not have ever measured the shape of the Earth because you're too ignorant to know how-- which seems likely given your stance on that thar evil bookification learnin'-- but not all of us are as wantonly stupid as you.

The Earth is an oblate spheroid.
2021-03-28 08:47:33 UTC
God had created the center of gravity of the earth. If God removes it, everything you see on this earth will fly high to the sky. The center of gravity is not natural but unnatural. The earth, water, air, light and fire are unnatural. They are made for human beings. God had created all creatures including human beings. He had created spirits too.

God never bothers whether people believe in him or not. God’s intervention in human affairs is very rare. God doesn't watch each and every human being at the same time and cannot live with each and everyone to guide them. These works are done by the spirits. God had created different kinds of spirits for various purposes. He had made the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits, not for human beings. God is a mystery even to the spirits. Spirits are not eternal beings but their lifetime is long. Spirits are separate elements. A human being during his/her lifetime is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Further there will be always some spirits with you on behalf of your parents, friends and relatives. Only these spirits make you remember them in a certain situations. All of these spirits are your consciousnesses and memories. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. Brain is just a media to connect the spirits to your mind. A mind is just a computer's mind. A mind is you. After the destruction of a computer completely you will not get its mind. The same is the case with the human beings.  A human being doesn't have a spiritual body. Soul is nothing but an energy needed for the functionality of a body. It is not a spirit or anything else. A body's functionality is based on the auto mechanism.  After death all spirits which accompanied a person quit and go to different places searching new bodies. No one lives after death in any form. All human beings are just robots made of flesh and bones and toys of the spirits for their games.
Ronald 7
2021-03-27 22:16:15 UTC
No wonder you call yourself Anonymous

I can Explain both

I just wish I can put up two pictures here !

One shows a Guy on the top of a steep Cliff and the caption says

Go on, Gravity is just a Myth !!

Sort of self explanatory because if he jumps he would end up falling at Terminal Velocity, that is 120 mph and hit solid ground

Unprotected he would die or be very seriously injured

You should get the picture there

The Picture show the sea at sea level taken of distant Wind Turbines

Which are quite a bit away and magnified

 But it doesn't really take much imagination to see the Curvature of the Earth

The Sea actually accentuates it

Gravity pulls everything towards the Centre of Mass and that is what happens to big Planets like Earth

 I have enjoyed our little talk and have just Sh4t myself
Wapon MSC
2021-03-27 14:55:30 UTC
This is going right to my “dumb yahoo questions” album.
2021-03-27 13:29:34 UTC
Every time I stand at a urinal I know gravity is real

because I don't get rained on.  
2021-03-27 05:33:34 UTC
see it , nor have you seen the earth warming or seen oxygen , wat a silly troll question .go away troll you wont be missed .
D g
2021-03-26 21:40:27 UTC
Edit i just noticed the other parts of the question and you are a  SAD PERSON..

books have lies in them 

so you don't read them  oh   such a  good answer that  it probably shows that you cant read well more likely .. 

books are storehouses of information for the intelligent  .. and  scary to the moronic ... guess which you fit in ...

an intelligent person can weed out the bullshit..  one guy at work told me to read  TRUTHISM DOT COM  in thirty seconds I knew it was an idiots site and didn't waste any more time on it..

What the hell do you know what scientists know 

Gravity is the pull between two masses 

That is all the real you need to know 

Some of the flat earth tards go oh gravity is the bending of space time so ******* what you can simplify it To a force based on the mass of the object 
2021-03-26 20:06:28 UTC
Because you can observe it’s effects, whether it’s you dropping an apple or watching the effects the sun has on other planetary bodies, or why the moon affects the earths tides, why a bomb actually falls to the ground from and airplane, why a bullet traveling a long distance eventually archs back down towards the ground, why a parachuter falls from the sky, why a feather will fall to the ground and on and on. You see the effects literally everywhere. If you don’t think gravity is real, why don’t you try to jump off the ground and float up into the air? Go try. 
2021-03-26 17:05:13 UTC
Our senses are extremely inaccurate and defective. We can only perceive a tiny fraction of the reality around us, and it's biased most of the time. We can't see atoms. We can't see galaxies. We can't see planets and their satellites. Our eyes can only see a small range of light.
2021-03-26 14:29:25 UTC
All righty, then...  Have a great day! 
2021-03-26 13:47:28 UTC
Troll - enough said
2021-03-26 13:45:32 UTC
Try stepping out of 10-storey window.  You will soon find out whether gravity is real or not.
2021-03-26 13:30:26 UTC
We can DESCRIBE IT and how it works.   We don't have to know what it actually is.   That was another breakthrough Newton did.  You don't have to know what causes a phenomena.  Describing it and measuring it is often enough to show it exists and to be able to predict it's effects.  Concentrate on what we KNOW about something until we eventually figure out what it is.  Don't wait to find out what you don't know while there are other things about it we can study.-----A lot of Science is like that.
2021-03-26 12:48:39 UTC
well what HAVE you learned in your 46 or 47 years of life on this planet ???

Did you not learn anything at school ?

how do you think seasons work ? what causes them ? why do oceans have tides ? why do objects on earth have shadows ? at sea, why do the masts of ships appear before the rest of ships ?

why are there different time zones between countries ? why am i asleep at night when some where else on the planet its lunch time and day light ?

lastly, gravity is a theory  and its the best one we've got to describe objects descending.   It beats your b/s opinions all day long.  There is a reason there are books written that certain type of people can read and understand and why some people like yourself cannot get further than the contents page.

Theres a reason some people are scientists and why some people such as yourself are not.

Do yourself a favor and stop talking about things which you clearly don't even have the basic knowledge on.  Find a new hobby or interest, better yet why not share your views with the world on youtube ? see how far that goes for you ?
2021-03-26 12:47:37 UTC
>"Don't ask me to read books because books are all full of lies"

So not only are you an idiot, but you're content with staying an idiot. Willful ignorance. 

Just because it's too complicated for you to understand, or you haven't done your research, doesn't mean they're lies. At least rub your two braincells together and try to do some research.

There's individual knowledge and collective knowledge, we know the Earth is spherical and we know the exact dimensions of the Earth because of the latter. It has been scientifically observed and measured, so regardless of whether or not you've been to space and seen it yourself - it's better to trust the scientific community on it.

Which sounds more realistic: that the scientific community is accurately reporting the shape and measurements of the Earth, or there's some EEEEVIIL conspiracy to say that the Earth isn't flat, that gravity is all a lie, and that the dimensions of the Earth are made up?

Clearly the former. This goes to show how conspiracy theories like these appeal to the ignorant.
2021-03-30 20:47:35 UTC
That's right --- in fact the Giant Tortoise is constantly accelerating upwards, resulting in a simulation of "gravity".  If the Giant Tortoise ever stops doing that, they'll see.  Then they'll be sorry.
2021-03-29 15:13:42 UTC
Neuton's Formula's prove how Gravity functions..

Thus 'Gravity' is proven.The Cause of function is not completely understood... ...
2021-03-28 05:04:50 UTC
Even your eyes can lie. Ever hear of an optical illusion? In the picture is Saturn if you relax your eyes. Your mind can play tricks on you. 
2021-03-27 22:34:00 UTC
Scientists know a whole lot more about gravity than you do.
2021-03-27 19:16:20 UTC
Just jump and ask yourself why  did you again touch the ground instead of touching clouds 
2021-03-27 16:42:12 UTC
Well that is not true as WE do know what Gravity is and some of us have figured out how it works and WHY so the Grand Unified Theory has been solved, relatively speaking since it may need just a touch of tweaking...

and that is a reference to adjustments and refinements in explanations and NOT some drug addled half wit meth head that needs a fix....

2021-03-27 13:59:53 UTC
Call it what you like, but when I fall down and it hurts, I call it gravity. And I find it odd when I look at other celestial bodies such as the moon, sun and all the other planets and none of them show me their edges because they are 'flat' too. Is it a coincidence that they all show me only their flat sides? Do you not think before you type a question? 
2021-03-27 13:54:25 UTC
Not knowing what a thing is does not mean we can't know that it is.  the existence does not bring understanding automatically. 
2021-03-27 03:41:00 UTC
Take a car battery, drop it from 3-feet high onto your toe. There, proof of gravity!
2021-03-27 00:29:51 UTC
Scientists aren't sure exactly what electromagnetism is either. So how can you say it's for real? I guess you have never turned on a radio, watched tv, felt the warmth of the sun or played with a magnet either. I suppose you imagine that those lightning flashes are thunderbolts thrown down by Thor!

To the rest of us, these are all strongly indicative of the reality of electromagnetism. Just like we witness the fall of an apple, a tide, or the moon in it's orbit, and realise that by golly, gravity is for real too.

But I guess if you are one of those folk who are impervious to observation, reasoning, and the acquisition of knowledge, you will just go on believing that the Earth is flat, tea leaves can predict the future, and the best way to find water is with a forked stick. That is all very quaint, but have you ever wondered what you are missing out on?
2021-03-26 23:32:49 UTC
I don't know what to tell you. We know how gravity works. Every atom has gravity, just a force pulling it to another thing with mass. Atoms themselves don't have enough gravity to affect you, but massive things, such as the Earth, do. Gravity also proves why Earth is a sphere. Gravity pulls the rest of Earth to its center, henceforth making it a ball. Just because you can't see the curvature doesn't mean it's not there. I've never seen a polar bear, but that doesn't mean they are a myth.
2021-03-26 21:50:06 UTC
Believe what your eyes show you:

1.  Hold a ball in your hand and let it go.  It drops to the Floor.  Why?   Gravity is why.

2.  The Earth is Round.  See for your self.

Go down to the Ocean next to a busy shipping port and watch the Ships coming and going.

Watch a ship sail away from the coast.  Notice how the bottom (hull) of the ships goes out of sight but you can still see the upper bits (Masts)??   That happens when the ships sails beyond your visible Horizon on a round earth.

For Myself I have actually been all the way around on both a passenger Jet and Navy ship.
2021-03-26 19:41:10 UTC
You can confirm gravity is real by dropping a huge rock on your foot.  As for Earth not being round, all I can say is ..............We don't even know where we are.  They say that we're circling a star.  We'll I'll take their word, I don't know.  I'm dizzy so maybe that's so.         You would enjoy Waylon Jennings singing Defying Gravity.  Go listen to that on YouTube.  We live on a big blue ball.  I never do dream I will fall...........
2021-03-26 19:13:33 UTC
If "books are all full of lies," why should Yahoo!Answers be any better.  (You jerk.)
2021-03-26 17:42:50 UTC
Good to see you're keeping an open mind about things.
2021-03-26 17:02:37 UTC
You belong on a short school bus..   Thank you for being at the bottom steps of society!  I see you protesting for higher min wage in the future...
2021-03-26 16:14:08 UTC
You, of course, have the right to remain wilfully ignorant.

What I do not understand is why you feel the need to share that with anyone.

A great deal of research has demonstrated just how very unreliable eyewitness testimony is.

No one can test, see, measure, etc. everything. Therefore, there is a lot we simply have to accept. What I always find wrong with conspiracy theories is this: (1) they have no evidence they are true; (2) they provide no reasonable explanation for why they think people are lying about the real truth.

So you will have to go through the rest of your life being wilfully ignorant.
2021-03-26 14:19:09 UTC
Yes, scientists are sure what gravity is.

If you don't want to believe gravity is real, try jumping off a roof and see how real it is.

I don't need to see something if people that are educated and objective have seen it.

" i do not know how big it is or what shape it is" - so it could be a sphere and it could be as big as science shows it to be.

"that is what I know" - in other words, you learned nothing in your 46 to 47 years of life (funny you don't know how old you are).

So you are saying all books are full of lies - interesting.  I am sure you have evidence to support that...
2021-03-26 12:52:40 UTC
If you choose to ignore science (or reality), that's your choice. You will remain ignorant for the rest of your life.
2021-03-26 12:49:40 UTC
IF you had one of these in your hand

and you didn't know what it is

would you say that it's not real?

One does not have to understand the nature of a thing

to know that the thing is real.

One merely has to be able to perceive the thing

or its effects

(it helps if others perceive as well)

to know that it is real.
Innocent Victim
2021-04-04 07:26:07 UTC
"i believe what my eyes show me."

There's your mistake. Your eyes amd other senses are easily fooled. That's why magicians are a thing.
2021-03-29 01:11:12 UTC
 Wonder if any of the astronauts felt that way? But that's a conspiracy too because those waskewy astronauts and everybody that was in on it  would never have some drinks and let a few truths about how fake is was slip. How much better would our navigational skills be if we used them different shapes. Don't people understand sunrise/sunset the sun might be peeking over a flat edge? 

I hear tell gravity sucks but I believe it.
2021-03-27 11:46:46 UTC
 your 1st statement is incorrect - cos there is no such thing as "gravity" as a thing

Its the name we give to a phenomina

the phenomina exists and is therefore "real" - but we aint sure what causes it

AS for the rest of what oyu have written - you beleive what you want but all you have done is waste 46-47 of existence

(by the way - your eyes dont "show" you anything at all - all they do is convert light entering them into electrical signals that they pass to the brain

  the brain then converts the signals so they "appear" as a picture to your consciousness

  Or do you think there is a screen inside your head that your eyes project a picture onto, just like old time cinema?

("I have not seen it with my own eyes or measured it neither have you." - I dont need to see it - the physics and maths TELL me the shape and size it HAS to be

  thats what education does for you - It moves you out of stupidity into actually knowing things


P.s how do you know you got eyes? - you ever seen them without an aid (mirror?)

 How do you KNOW that aid is showing the real thing and not an illusion?

2021-03-27 04:14:14 UTC
this is going right to my “dumb yahoo questions” album
2021-03-27 01:05:28 UTC
Go jump off a roof and see how how many bones you break. Or fall down a flight of stairs and see how many bruises you get. Gravity is a force. It is real. 
2021-03-26 20:02:24 UTC
gravity is really a myth. the earth sucks.
2021-03-26 15:02:44 UTC
Gravity is Gravitons. Make anti-gravitons and you can walk on water.
Delete, Rewind.X
2021-03-26 13:15:37 UTC
Because the effects of gravity are observable and measurable. Gravity may not be tangible but it is a demonstrated force. 

We can't physically touch sound but we can feel it, see it and measure it. 

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.