Do you think we went to the moon?
2007-07-20 10:19:41 UTC
IF we went in the 60's with as poor technology that we had than, then why are we not currently going with the better technology that we have today? Do you really think that we went to the moon?
48 answers:
fairly smart
2007-07-20 10:29:32 UTC
With a good telescope, you can see the stuff we left up there.

We stopped sending people to the moon, because it fell from favor. Stupid people in charge didn't think we were getting anything out of it. Kinda like Bush now...cutting science & research funding off. I really hope he gets something that science could have had an answer or cure for if they had been able to continue. THAT would be poetic!

The stuff they are building now, (& a friend of mine is working on it), is based on the Apollo rockets of the 60's & 70's. I lived thru that stuff, watched it in school, watched them orbit over head with a telescope, worried when A 13 almost didn't make it back. It did happen, don't be one of the stupid masses in this country please?
2007-07-20 10:42:31 UTC
In the 60's there was a space race. The USA wanted to put someone on the moon. It was accomplished. However not long afterwards the STS project was launched.

The STS project was to replace the saturn rockets with a re-usable launch vehicle for advanced laboratory space studies. As a re-usable engine it was pitched as being cheaper, reusable, etc. It had drawbacks, not being able to reach escape velocity from the surface of the Earth is the primary one that keeps it from being viable for a moon mission.

There was significant opposition to the STS program both within and without NASA. Once design and plans had been laid in order to make sure the STS platform succeeded the saturn rocket designs and systems were gathered up and destroyed. The theory was that as long as people had a fallback, they would emperil the STS program. There were significant monies tied in STS and certain members of the government took steps to ensure there were no alternatives.

The USSR, never made it to the moon, because they lacked the required navigational system.. in a way this was geniuses working against each other and the US simply won at navigation. The USA built the correct propulsion units (saturn rockets), and those were stable enough to be used. The USA also had the significantly better navigation system then the USSR was using.

Some have mentioned the VARB, (Van Allen Rad belt) but that was not a factor. The radiation belt itself was disregarded by Van Allen even if you went directly through it. Also NASA timed the launches and made sure to skirt the belt. It was not something unknown at the time.

Edit: Adding info to deal with original questions's followup: Radiation was a definite concern for NASA before the first space flights, but they invested a great deal of research into it and determined the hazard was minimal. It took Apollo about an hour to pass through the radiation belts - once on the outbound trip and once again on the return trip. The total radiation dose received by the astronauts was about one rem. A person will experience radiation sickness with a dose of 100-200 rem, and death with a dose of 300+ rem.

Additional information can be found here:

Just for your knowledge, the radiation in your dental chair will probably also not kill you. It will make you MORE likely to develop cancer. Hospitals and Dentists know you would sue them to death if they didn't take those precautions.

To this day, there is no feasible way to reach the moon without combinations of technology. We don't have the saturn rockets anymore and while I believe at least someone may have designs.. no one knows who and where. However the russian proton rockets do exist, and are the only rocket vehicles strong enough to make the escape of Earth gravity from the Earth's surface. I believe they are a little unreliable, and I would assume that the Russian navigation system has come up to speed, although the USA may still be ahead there.

I find it extremely likely we went to the moon. The Saturn V rocket was measured and its velocity and payload (3-6T) were among the only capable of escaping Earth's gravitational pull. To imply that we would/could not field the hot shots willing to risk this would be incorrect. We did field them. To put it bluntly, we had the money, we had the astronauts, we had the rockets, we had the navigation system, and we had the payload. In short, there was very little reason to lie.

Honestly, if you believed this was a hoax. Do you really think the russians would have stopped unless they really thought it was true? They would have claimed it's an American hoax and continued progress to reach the moon.

We landed on the moon. There just is not a lot of reason to go back, unless we are going to establish something permanent, which is problematic.
Chris A
2007-07-20 10:31:25 UTC
Yes, we did go to the moon. Although the technology may have seemed "poor" they actually used technology that people are still trying to develop commercially, such as fuel cells. The reason why the mission was stopped was because the cost to go to the moon was extremely high and non of the equipment was reusable. Sure the space shuttle was expensive to built, but they don't go and build a new one after every launch, they rotate between the existing shuttles. Also, the new Crew Exploration Vehicle, who NASA just recently awarded the contract to Lockheed Martin, is being designed to return to the moon and eventually build a permanent base there. As far as the crap about the American Flag waving in the wind when there is no wind on the moon... look closer at the pictures, NASA as said that they installed wires in the flag to make it look like the wind is blowing it.

Ohh, and they also Nationally anncounced the days when the Saturn 5 would be launched, so the general public could see the launch. I highly doubt that the astronauts just did circles around the earth without the russians knowing...

One more thing, read some articles about the Van Allen radiation belt, even he Jame Van Allen himself said that it would not kill astronauts if they went through this belt. It would only do damage if they parked themselves their and did not move, but they blasted through it and only skimmed it... nice try on that one.
Josh M
2007-07-20 10:29:51 UTC
It's not really about having better technology, it was that in the 60's we were in a race to go to the moon, it was sort of a pride thing. We went, and I assume didn't find a lot of usefulness to going there to justify the huge price tag so we stopped going. We now use the space shuttle- which is more advanced than what was used in the 60's, and the tests performed on those missions along with hauling cargo up to space is more useful than missions to the moon were, and the space shuttle is simply not designed to be able to land on the moon, it's an orbiter, and can only land on a regular runway here on Earth. Yes, we have much greater technology now, and if we wanted to- we could design a new vehicle capable of landing on the moon and do just that.
2007-07-20 10:42:01 UTC
No, we have never made it to the moon, looking at the pictures, and videos, to see the proof. All the videos of the moon walks, and moon cars being driven look really real, but if you watch it at twice the nomral seed you can see its clearly nothing different then if you where driving on Earth. The moon walks are a little different, and harder to see that they are fake, with those the best way to do it is to watch above the man, sometimes you can see a 'spark' of light in the top of the video above their head which is a tell tell sign of a support wire, offten you can even see them lift up funny when they move to walk, or be taking a step then be half way in the step before being lifted up higher. There is also proof in the shadows, with the sun being the only light they had, all shadows should be going the same way, but in almost all the pictures and videos, you can clearly see the shadows going in atlest two different directions. Other times, such as the video of the man walking down the ladder to get to the moon, the ship is dark, and he is in the ships shadow, yet you can see him clearly, and make out details which you shouldn't be able to see in the shadow, can be seen. Anyone remember seeing them hit a golf ball on the moon? Turn your oven to 250 and place a golf ball inside, see how well it holds up. Lets not forget the waving flag, which would hold up better at 250F but with no wind on the moon should not be waving in the 'wind'. The list of proof it was fake keeps going, while the proof is only the goverments word it happened.
Trey Duke
2007-07-20 10:31:45 UTC
I always leave the chance for conspiracy theories open, though I am not one of those conspiracy nuts. I think there are 3 possible things that happened. 1) We never went to the moon and video taped the whole thing to win the crucial politcally motivated space race...2) We actually did go and everything seen on t.v. was real...or 3) We actually went, but the real video was not broadcast, but a reinactment of the actual space race was done in a studio, and the real moon landing had already happened. The third option seems very logical because to believe the goverment would broadcast a live version of the moon landing for all eyes to see, seems awfully odd to me. What if something happened like the lunar shuttle's engine exploded and killed the men near it....what if there actually were aliens and they started devouring our astronauts? But if we never did go to the moon that would explain why NASA cannot find the american flag on the moon's surface with the hubb;e telescope and if we went back we wouldnt be able to explain where the flag went would we? Also, George Bush and his administration is too stupid to acknowledge science or medical fields and believe that everything should be left to the hands of god, or at least he pretend to believe that. Having said all that, the place we should be focusing on is beneath us, under the ocean.....that is where all the cures for diseases and explanations to where we came from reside.
todd h
2007-07-20 10:57:45 UTC
not a chance, i have many friends that thin i am crazy and that's fine. but there are just to many reasons why we not only did not go, but could not have gone, let alone now. absolutely not 38 years ago.

show me one picture of the junk we left behind from a telescope. non exist because there is nothing there.

we have telescopes that can see a new planet 13 light years away, but we can't seem to have one powerful enough to see what may have been left behind on the moon, interesting.

i think people are afraid to admit that the government lied to us. it is amazing that we had a spaceship that could land flawlessly on the moon and take off again with no problems, yet 38 years later we can't even make through the van Allen belts Radiation field that surrounds the earth, there are good reasons for this. look it up.

thx for letting me rant

Alex G
2007-07-20 10:34:18 UTC
Of course! There have always been conspiracy theories, in the past, the present, and likely in the future. You're right that technology in the 60s was inferior then to what it is now, but it was still sufficient enough to get astronauts to the moon. How do we know they actually went there?

- Moon rocks: Can't argue with the facts

- A laser refractor planted on the lunar surface: this allows a laser on Earth to beam to the Moon and back, giving the exact distance between the Earth and Moon

- There's a bunch of conspiracy theories, but they have all been disproven; there's some videos you can watch on the subject on the internet

As for why we haven't been back to the Moon, in one word, "politics". Travelling to the moon was the forefront of the space race between the US and Soviet Union. The Soviets launches the first satellite and cosmonaut, but the US "won" the space race because they were the first to land on the Moon. After this, the government was reluctanct to give funds to NASA for another Moon program, even though NASA had several projects in mind. However, there are plans to go back to the moon in the near future....
2007-07-20 10:33:12 UTC
I am currently working on the New Spaceship that will go to the MOON, it is called ORION. Yes, we went to the moon, and the engineers that designed the Apollo Capsule are Genius. They were far ahead of their time, the technology was not poor back then, just the first time anyone did anything like that! We still reference their ideas and drawings today. The requirements on the new ship are much greater than those on the Apollo, so it is taking a while to design it. They had about 5 times the money and 10 times the people working on it back in the 60's so we are doing the best we can with the amount of money Congress is giving NASA. If you want us to get there faster tell your Congress and Senator to give more than 1% of the national budget to NASA.
2007-07-20 10:47:32 UTC
I was really impressed about the moon landing back then and like millions of others I never stopped to think how was it possible? NASA had all the right stuff right? Well,it only took one look at the technology 20 years later when the space shuttle flew to realize that we never went to the moon! They were still doing the same thing,orbiting the earth! And those videos from the moon landing are still being debated by experts!So,if we use a telescope can we see the junk they left behind,moonrover,us flag,etc.?Just another conspiracy theory folks!
Thanh V
2007-07-20 10:59:22 UTC
I think last Moon visit is still essential to our scientific technologies, especially in aerospace exploration. By moon research, we were knowing further our planet also it's origin - It's Moon's sister

Many new materials and science subjects are being invented after visiting the Moon. Human is more confident in working out-space.

We also gained a lot of experience especially after successful return of Apollo 13 Mission which was very significant and being a basic technology for the shuttle operations in recent day also in the future.

2007-07-20 10:58:45 UTC
I do! When looking at all of the feats through history we tend to view them from our time period and relative technology. Stonehedge, the Great Pyramid, and The Coliseum all were built in era's that used technology that is foreign to us because we have created efficiencies that render it obsolete. Just because the computing power used to land on the moon was less than a modern calculator does not mean it was impossible. Additionally the whole reason the "theorists" contend we fabricated the landing was to usurp the USSR in the space race. Given the number of spies who turned against us over the course of the cold war, someone, somewhere would have outed the great secret!
bobby m
2007-07-20 10:37:47 UTC
no, I actually don't think we went to the moon. you brought up a good point, if back in the 60s we went to the moon with almost no technology, and now that we have high tech technology, we should be able to go in the next couple of years, not 11 years from now. in my opinion I feel the landing of the moon was hoax and was created to make it seem as if we had defeated the Russians. maybe we went to the moon and orbited, or maybe we sent a rover to gather dirt/rock samples, but I do not believe an actual human set foot on the moon.

also, for people who don't believe there are any valuable resources on the moon, they are wrong. the moon's outer dirt and rocks are embedded with solar particles that a have a lot of energy. due to the lack of atmosphere on the moon, this particles have been collection on the moon for over 4 billion years. a 1 inch cube of these particles can fuel your car for a an entire year. there's actually a name of this particles but I can't remember. the race to the moon now, is not to explorer the moon but to exploit it.
2007-07-20 10:27:27 UTC
it costs a hell of a lot of money to go to the Moon.

Priorities have changed. Today it is perfectly OK to spend a few hundred billion dollars waging war in Irak for no reason and with no end in sight and no favourable result on any front.

BUT, today it has become difficult to justify spending 100bn to go to the Moon. But it still will be happening again, it's under way.

It just may be that the Chinese win that second race to the Moon, is all.

Of course we went. If it had been a scam, it would have been so easy to detect that the signals weren't coming from the Moon, and the Russians, who were in the race, would have had a great time exposing the scam. But it wasn't a scam.
2007-07-20 10:33:36 UTC
You can't really believe that the lunar missions were a hoax. Of course they were real. Technology was advanced enough to handle such an undertaking at that time. There is no real scientific reasons to go to the moon. If there were, NASA and other aeronautical companies and countries would be focusing on it. The real value now is investigating the rest of the planets and making a determination of whether life ever existed on said planets or whether life can be sustained on other planets.
2007-07-20 10:36:37 UTC
Yes, I believe we did.

Why are we not going to the moon today?

What for? there's nothing on the moon worth all the money it takes to get there. There's no oil, no water, no air, just barren, desolate, ugly chunk of rock in the space littered with meteorite craters.... even that is a good reason not to go there. You never know when you might get hit by a rock flying through space since there's no atmosphere to slow them down and burn the meteorites like here on earth.
2007-07-20 10:28:31 UTC
yes we did, true that we do have better technology now, but now there is just no point. we went there before, got what we needed, studied it and we were done. unless there is something new on the moon (which there is not) there is no point going there. it would just be a waste of money. plus there are far more important things in space to study then the moon. for instance they found that planet that is the closest thing to earth(in similarity terms). so we need to find a way to maybe get there, but its light years away. also with the thing about the astroids coming to earth by 2027 or somewhere around there. i dont know if thats actually going to happen but they say so. so they need to focus on major things not something as simple as our moon.
2007-07-20 10:25:36 UTC
Why do you think technology in the 60s was poor? I can calculate orbital transfers with a pencil and paper. It doesn't take much computing power.

Yes, NASA landed 6 crews on the moon as part of the Apollo program. Visit for a great look at the reality of the events.
2007-07-20 10:52:50 UTC
Both arguments are very convincing. For and against landing moon landing conspiracy. I think I am leaning a little bit towards the conspiracy though. But if we did go to the moon I would definately want to see another mission go! Not only with better video equipment etc. but I think the younger generations deserve the opportunity to experience a luner landing. And for those who say it would be too costly and impractical to go, I say; I'd rather my tax dollars go to a luner mission than to some foreign war that cost billions a day!
2007-07-20 10:35:03 UTC
We never went to the moon. The technology is not there yet for a human trip to moon. There are many technical limitations exist today. If you google the topic you will see tons of proof.

60s moon landing hoax was needed to handle some international and domestic political issues from USA's perpective and I think it served that very well.

2007-07-20 10:30:40 UTC
look up moon landing hoax on google. pretty convicing stuff. in some of the footage, there was a coke bottle that was quickly removed. theres a radiation belt between here and the moon that was unaccounted for with our technology, yet this didnt effect any of the astonauts or the ship, etc. there are 100's of reasons why it might be fake.
2007-07-20 10:29:00 UTC
This is something i feel very passionate about. I think, quite frankly, that it is disgusting that anyone can even suggest we did not land on the moon. Every single moon hoax theory suggested has been easily discredited using established facts and demonstrations. To say that we did not land on the moon is to deny the single most important and significant achievement that the human race has ever made. It is nothing short of insulting, and it is the reason i hate all the ignorant people who subscribe to moon hoax conspiracy theories.
2007-07-20 10:31:33 UTC
Personally, i don't think we did. There is scientific evidence which proves at lunar travel is impossible. A space ship cannot exit the Vander waal (?) belts which protect the earth from the sun's radiations, without being destroyed.

So, there's no way if way back then in the 60's, lunar travel was possible.
Leisa H
2007-07-20 10:37:10 UTC
Yes, we went to the moon. There's no way that every other nation on earth would go along with a hoax that size (look how good we all get along now and in the past, lol). Now my grandmother NEVER believed it, bless her soul, but till her dying day she never believed in daylight savings time, either.
2007-07-20 10:35:09 UTC
I would have to say no, with all the points that have been brought up, I, a former landing believer, will have to agree with

the evidence against it-the letter "c" on a rock, van allen radiation belt & thin shielding, shadow directions, and countless others! "They" think everybody is stupid!
2007-07-20 10:31:19 UTC
US did not really go to the Moon. It's fully made up and highly exaggerated to make the rest of the world believe that we achieved something extravagant. Everything you saw on television or media was made in the Hollywood studios or at NASA or even at the US AREA51. Next thing you know we'll be shooting our trash into space to "save land."
2007-07-20 10:28:52 UTC
Used to think so. Not so much anymore. I don't understand how we could have gone to the Moon in the 60's when they didn't have microwaves, cell phones, playstations, VCRs, Flat Screen TVs, PCs and about a million other things we have now days. Yet, we would be hard pressed to get there now. It was a Hoax.
2007-07-20 10:26:12 UTC
We definitely went to the moon. WE have rocks from there which are unique to the moon and you cannot find anywhere on earth. dont buy into the Fox special years ago that said it was all a Hollywood hoax.
2007-07-20 10:23:41 UTC
Yes I was going into my senior year of high school and I remember it well. It would have served no purpose to fake it. The technology in the 60's was way more than the gov. let you know as it is now.
Tony H
2007-07-20 10:30:14 UTC
I think we did not land on the moon because no one can produce pitures from a telescope showing our remains that were left up on the surface of the moon, like the moonrover or the flag.
2007-07-20 10:32:38 UTC
I don't think so , simply it's a big trick .rubbish . what we have seen is just professional video film created by good actors and dam director just see that film again and notice the dust . dust in the moon where no life there come on it's to silly and funny
Clyde Frawg
2007-07-20 10:26:44 UTC
It never happened. Why??

One word..... Van Allen Radiation Belt

Oh wait... that's four words. Anyway...


< Bottom line >
2007-07-20 10:33:06 UTC
Think? I know we went to the moon. Only a moron would think that we did not land on the moon.

I don't wish to hurt anyone's feelings, but the fact is just that; the fact.
2007-07-20 10:39:42 UTC
IT NEVER HAPPENED. we went to the moon just like there were wmd's in iraq. just like the terrorists came from canada, all political to further the interests of the u.s. at the time during the cold war. all filmed near yucca valley calif. and area 51. thanks for coming out....
2007-07-20 10:35:08 UTC
It seems very unusual to me that no other country has yet been to the moon. Bush says we won't even go back until the year 2018!!! Russia goes into space, every country that can afford it has been in space. We develop nukes, every other country soon develops nukes. We go to the moon, NO ONE EVEN US has been to the moon!!
Randy M
2007-07-20 10:33:11 UTC

Look at my photos... Also, the "moon rocks" proof holds no water since moon rocks were found in Antarctica before Apollo 11. I'm sure Apollo "nutters" will unite and resort to name calling as they do anyone who dares question these events. Look here too:
Bob H
2007-07-20 10:29:15 UTC
I can't believe the number of people that actually think this was faked. My god, have we raised a bunch of stupid idiots. If it doesn't have a cellphone, computer, or ipod in it it never happened. The world is indeed in danger. Kill them before they reproduce.
2007-07-20 10:25:52 UTC
No, I don't think we went. I think it was a huge bluff to help us win the cold war. Has anyone ever seen photos taken from our large telescopes of the hardware that we supposedly left behind? Why can we take amazing photos of deep space but can't snap a pic of all that hardware?
2007-07-20 10:29:01 UTC
of course we have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have gone to the moon there is proof every were these other people saying no...dont listen to them they are just trying to mess you up..the answer that is completely final YES we HAVE gone to the MOON
2007-07-20 10:27:39 UTC
I definitely do not believe that we have gone to the moon. It was a conspiracy created to compete with the Russians (Sputnik).
2007-07-20 10:28:32 UTC
of course !

that technology was Not poor !

your very wrong about that.
2007-07-20 10:28:13 UTC
Joe P
2007-07-20 10:26:50 UTC
Capricorn One baby, Capricorn One. That's all I'm sayin'.
2007-07-20 10:29:54 UTC
hahahahahahahhaha...zillion time
bob green
2007-07-20 10:24:59 UTC
ummmmm. is this a serious question?
2007-07-20 10:25:23 UTC
Hell No
andrew c
2007-07-20 10:24:57 UTC
NO...nobody ever has , and possibly nobody ever will.
2007-07-20 10:24:34 UTC
i don't know

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