It AINT impossible to make a reactor in space. You dont take a WHOLE reactor into space. You take the bits and assemble it there, cos a lot of the bits you need to make a reactor on the ground you dont need in space (such as shielding)
And yes - ion drives only work if you have a power source that can keep going for years - a reactor is perfect. A rocket is useless cos of the weight of fuel you would have to carry
A large magnetic field funnels any particles or gasses in space (space is NOT completely empty) through the centre of the reactor. This ionises it or creates a plasma which is expelled at much higher velocity thus creating thrust
At first the thrust is only very low, but ANY thrust accelerates the spaceship, and as the speed increases then more gasses/particles are collected so the thrust increases. Thats the beauty of an ion drive., it dont need any fuel only debris in space, and the faster it goes the more it accelerates.
(I remember a calculation a few years ago which showed that an ion drive going for several years could get to a VERY high speed, in the realm of light speed.)
"A nuclear reactor can only make electricity. As yet we can't use that to power something in a vacuum"
I REALLY do despair of the education system
The 1 thing a reactor DOES NOT DO is produce electricity.