NO, darling, quantum calculations supposing as many as 11 dimensions DOESN'T use one for OURS, rather one seems directional, next perpendicular in some plane containing that line, and the next along location concept a perpendicular off the plane, usually also touching the line. Perhaps before capable of existence, the dimension of time is foundational, warning how more precisely knowing location of a thing takes certainty of the time when it is there or accuracy in knowing when makes location less certain.
Between these dimensions, a smallish view of quantum supposes places where certain energies disburse or diffuse towards an explanation of parallel universality and supporting mid range of sting theory on waves in construction elements of matter for conversion with energy (I'm not quantum minded). Contrary to a prior answer, Electro-magnetic force easily gets stronger than gravity in shorter range, weak and strong atomic forces are counted as even later in destructive universe for extreme power at extremely close distance. Such interactions are better counted as evidence on existence of more dimensions than any dimension in themselves. High dimensions seem to explain spontaneous origin of universe and parallels unfolding upon late dimensions to develop anew its basics for location where we don't see and may be on a different rate of time, though common idea is similar due near identical structure as our minds put it for allowing existence and matter.
Taken as our time and created in a very small space, our universe shows every sign of being very uniform out into dimensions we barely theorize, that is contrasted with simple physics NOT meaning our "solar system" suits life. You seriously need to review the many conditions in aid of life developing some intelligence. If you can stir an interest beyond classic schooled items of information, it greatly improves chance of insight. For me it just is not so clear as my seeing what number may be my early quit of dimensions, ha! Oh yeah, discovery deep into dimensions shall be by sensor, not a brain, but hardly that minds made the wiring of us to lack this perception. You seem to labor under excuses for not thinking; so, try cracking open a dictionary for synonyms taking you through perceive, understand, comprehend, analise, appreciate, conceive... As normal high function brain activity exposes your shortcomings, just focus on that to make it a skill, no excuses necessary. Those guys had mathematics above Arithmetic for sharing with other smart folk (who likely had various mental gaps, just fewer and of less breadth, sorry). You made a mistake getting in the face of so wide an audience, fool.