The very foundations of the big bang theory, i.e., the "primeval atom" disproves the big bang and indicates instead the universe has always existed.
If the entire universe existed as a point of singularity prior to the big bang, and since matter can be neither created nor destroyed, then all the matter of the universe, and thus, the very fabric and foundations of the universe, existed prior to the big bang.
Big Bang Theology dictates that the universe is homogeneous and appears the same everywhere in space; and it is isotropic and appears the same in every direction.
However, this is not true. Over 80% of the mass/energy of the universe is missing. Galaxies are not evenly dispersed but clump together in clusters, which vast regions of empty space separating them.
Not only is the universe behaving in a manner that contradicts the big bang, but there are rivers of galaxies flowing in directions that are incompatible with the uniformity of speed and movement that would be expected.
The big bang universe is a closed system. It is an expanding bubble which has no outside, no edge, no borders, and which simply ends 13.75 billion light years from where the Earth is now.
According to big bang theology, the most distant galaxies are the youngest galaxies. As one gazes further back in time, young galaxies become infant galaxies, then proto-galaxies, and then balls of luminous gas, and then beyond that, closer to the very beginning: there are no stars, no galaxies, just opaque light.
In a failed attempt to prove that galaxies ceased to exist at the theological edge of space, astronomers pointed the Hubble telescope at what they believed to be a completely empty patch of sky for approximately 280 hours.
The resulting Hubble Ultra Deep Field observations stunned the temple priests of science. Astronomers thought they were going to stare at the very edge of the universe, that they would gaze upon the very beginning, that their time machine in a telescope was going to peer back 13 billion years,
And then, to their astonishment, instead of nothing, over 10,000 galaxies were detected where none should exist.
What astronomers discovered is that instead of a decreasing number of galaxies as predicted by the big bang, they detected an increasing number of galaxies.
As the Hubble collected ever more faint and distant light, more and more galaxies were detected; fully formed galaxies of all shapes and sizes. As long as they stared, additional galaxies began to appear, tens of thousands of galaxies so far away it is presently impossible to even guess at their distance; galaxies and more galaxies as far as the Hubble eye could see.
And each of these tens of thousands of galaxies likely have anywhere from ten billion to a 100 billion stars similar to our own sun and solar system; findings which are completely incompatible with the theory of the big bang.
Yes, instead of nothing, they gazed into infinity,
The evidence indicates that galaxies and stars continue outward forever into all eternity.
The Big Bang is a myth.
The universe was not created.
The infinite and eternal Universe has no beginning and no end.