Are UFO's for real or are they the devil's demons trying to deceive us to get us away from God & being His?
2006-03-13 17:56:18 UTC
Are UFO's for real or are they the devil's demons trying to deceive us to get us away from God & being His?
Seven answers:
2006-03-13 18:52:44 UTC
Sigh. There are objects out there that are noted by eye, radar, and other means, ones that no one has yet identified. These objects are flying. They are unidentified. They thus exist as unidentified flying objects. A number of them are perfectly natural objects that the observer simply fails to recognize; some are phenomona producing an illusion of an object (including optical illusions); others are not explained.

The most appropriate way of handling such things is to collect what information is available, and not draw conclusions until there is enough information to do it.
2006-03-14 04:02:31 UTC
UFOs are real. By definition if it is an object, and if it is flying, and you can't identify it, then it is a UFO.

Are most sightings identifiable, YES.

Have some remained unknowns, YES.

Does that make them alien space craft, NO

But it is fun to think about!!!
2006-03-14 05:27:53 UTC
Oh, absolutely they're the devil's work. We're all gonna be abducted by the demon aliens and forced to listen to rap "music" for all eternity. HAR,HAR,HAR,HAR,!!!!!
2006-03-14 03:00:33 UTC
Yeah i have a friend with a law degree who believes that b/c it is written in the bible somewhere. Good luck with that.
2006-03-14 01:57:52 UTC
No, those are Xenu's spaceships, and he's coming to take us away. He already bugged out "Chef's" head and made him quit "South Park," so watch out!
2006-03-14 01:57:52 UTC
I'm not sure which sounds loonier: aliens or demons.
2006-03-14 01:57:53 UTC
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I will let you decide on that one . ;)

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