Short Answer: NO
Long Answer:
Print this answer and keep it in your diary until Christmas 2012.
All this nonsense about 2012 was started because of the Mayan Calender.
The World will NOT come to an end just because of the end of the Long Count on the Mayan Calender. Misinterpretation of the Mayan Long Count calendar is the basis for a New Age belief that a cataclysm will take place on December 21, 2012.
December 21, 2012 is simply the day that the calendar will have to begin again from the 1st Baktun.
Refer to for more detail on the Calender.
Another Doomsday prediction is about the Apophis Asteroid.
Asteroid Apophis is a Near-Earth asteroid that caused a brief period of concern in December 2004. Initial observations indicated a small probability that it would strike Earth in 2029. Additional observations provided improved predictions that eliminated the possibility of an impact in 2029. However, a possibility remained that during the 2029 close encounter; Apophis would pass through a gravitational keyhole and alter its course which would set up a future impact on APRIL 13th 2036.
Further observations in 2006 and 2009 have the odds of an impact at 1 in 250,000. It will be worth watching as it fly’s by at 18,000 miles.
This is the astronomy calendar for December 2012:
December 3rd - Jupiter at Opposition. Closest approach to Earth.
December 13th - New Moon
December 13th and 14th - Geminids Meteor Shower. Yearly event
December 21 - Winter Solstice - Shortest Day of the Year in the Northern Hemisphere.
December 21 - End of Mayan Calendar Long Count (5125 years) and the beginning of the next long count.
December 25 – Christmas Day.
December 28 - Full Moon.
1. President Obama will get re-elected.
2. The Tea Party will get unselected.
3. The Olympics in London.
4. Total Solar Eclipse of the Sun on 13 Nov. visible from Cairns Australia.
5. The end of the Mayan Long Count Calender on 21 Dec and the Beginning of a new Long Count Calender on 22 December.
6. A lot of disappointed people because the world did not end. They will have to come up with a new HOAX to pull off.
7. We will all have a Birthday Party.
8. Christmas Day on 25 Dec.
9. Celebrate the new year on 1 Jan 2012 and start the party on 31 DEC for the next year 2013.
Web Sites to Read:
If you do not believe what I am telling you is true, just wait and see for yourself> then send me an email on 25 Dec 2012. I will be here.
About the Moon Landings:
There were six successful manned missions to the moon. I always say that the BEST evidence for doubters is this: Russia and the US were in an intensive and expensive space race to the moon during those Cold War years. Both sides despised each other. Yet, the Russians conceded defeat that the US beat them to the moon (the USSR tracked every single mission--there and back of US space craft). If we had been perpetrating a hoax, the USSR would have been ALL OVER the US by revealing and discrediting any bogus claim of landing on the moon. The USSR was able to get equipment to safely touch down on the moon (including a robotic rover; betcha didn't know Russia has abandoned equipment on the moon did you?), but they just couldn't get a man up there before the US did.
Then there are the tens of thousands of people and scientists who worked on the missions. It isn't even feasible that all those people could participate in a conspiracy and coverup and keep it secret all these years. Hey, but to each his own. The evidence is there. Oh, yeah...forgot to mention that left a device up there that is still being used by scientists here on earth. It's a mirror that reflects laser light to determine the moon's distance from earth
It's the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us the Freedom of the Press.
It's the Soldier, not the poet,
Who has given us the Freedom of Speech.
It's the Soldier, not the politicians
That ensures our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness..
It's the Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag.
Astronomers monitoring Comet Elenin have noticed the comet has decreased in brightness the past week, and the coma is now elongating and diffusing. Some astronomers predict the comet will disintegrate and not survive perihelion, its closest approach to the Sun.
On August 19, a massive solar flare and coronal mass ejection hit the comet, which may have been the beginning of the end for the much ballyhooed lump of ice and dirt.
Elenin is no danger what so ever to earth.