Less than a month til Dec. 21, 2012! Do you think it'll happen?
2012-11-29 16:20:09 UTC
I'm a really nervous type of person. I've been nervous about this since i heard about it a couple years ago. Dec. 21, 2012 is almost here. And i thought about it all over again for seeing some commercial on tv right now called "the real doomsday" coming on, on sunday. It looked to me like they believe it is going to happen. Does anybody feel positive that its not going to happen? And why? And also i heard the last time the alignment with the planets happened, it was when the dinosaurs died. Then i heard that it happens every year or something like that, so could someone explain that to me if you know? The bible does say nobody knows, and i try to remember that all the time. But what if its not the actual doomsday, but something does happen and wIpes out half the population? I guess at the end theres nothing you can do it about it, but still. Thank you to anyone who replies!
Twelve answers:
2012-11-29 16:42:53 UTC
And of course TV networks are only interested in providing accurate, informative, and reliable scientific information...riiight.

The only thing networks believe in is profits - when people watch their programming they make money.

There is absolutely NO scientific, rational, or logical reason to think the world will end that date (or any date).

Its a hoax, a pile of trash, and if I ever meet any of the nutjobs that started this I will kick them where the sun don't shine.

"i heard the last time the alignment with the planets happened, it was when the dinosaurs died" - whoever told you that is either a moron or pulling your leg. The planets never align - the closest they ever got was in 1982 and no one noticed a thing.

That "every year" alignment is the sun lining up with the galactic plane, and yes that is every year.

I am positive its not going to happen, just as I am positive the sun will rise tomorrow, and they will make another version of some silly smartphone that people line up for days to get, and I will regret my Christmas spending when I get the bills in January.

Here, do some reading:
Brigalow Bloke
2012-11-29 20:46:34 UTC
All doom in 2012 questions are getting the same answer from me as they do not deserve an unique answer. There are more than 53,000 questions about this on Y!A and not one of you had the manners to use the search box.

What's the end of the world on 21 December 2012 going to be this time?

The solar system passing through a "photon belt" near Alcyone? Good story, but photons do not form belts, Alcyone is moving away from us and it was all supposed to happen about 1958.

The return of Jesus, yet again? How many dates have been predicted for that?

Planet X which was supposed to be here in May 2003 having another go at us? Why can't we see planet X if it's a few weeks away? Why could we not see it in 2003 when it was first supposed to be here?

Invasion of the annunaki from Nibiru looking for gold? Why can't we see Nibiru if it's a few weeks month away?

The rapture, yet again? How many dates have been predicted for that?

All the planets in the solar system lining up, even though they cannot and will not, and doing . . . something somehow? Must be magic because it sure will not be gravity. Wasn't that supposed to happen in 1999?

Solar flares, which happen around five times a week on a long term average.

Coronal mass ejections on the Sun which are fairly common - like the one on 14 July 2012. Notice anything, did you?

A line up of the Sun and the Earth or something with the centre of the galaxy, which comes vaguely close twice every year is supposed to do . . . something? Must be magic because it sure will not be gravity.

The solar system crossing the central plane of the galaxy, when we don't actually know where that is?

Aliens invade (no, not the annunaki)?

Prophecies that the Maya didn't make will be fulfilled?

Prophecies that the old French faker Nostradamus didn't make will be fulfilled?

The entire thing is delusion, superstition and lies invented by the reality challenged and used by the ethically challenged to make money from the mentally challenged and anyone who promotes it is a scum sucking bottom feeder and that particularly includes the Coast to Coast radio slime and the greed-ridden suits who run the History Channel.
2012-11-29 19:30:31 UTC
You don't think the TV programming wants you to "stay tuned" and see all the commercials for advertisers' products and services, do you?

I am completely confident that I will enjoy my trip to visit my sister next month and will come home safely before the end of the month.

None of the proposed "end of world" scenarios have any scientific basis.

As to the Maya, it wasn't until 20 years ago or so that we had begun to read their inscriptions, let alone understand their calendar system well. There were larger cities in Mexico and central America than there were in Europe at the time not long before Columbus arrived. And, things weren't all sweetness and harmony -- there were wars, rumors of wars, human sacrifices, slavery and all the rest 1000 years ago, or 500 years before Columbus.

Don't misunderstand the idea of "translating" a calendar. Did our calendar tell us the world was going to end at the end of the year 2000? No, it was the end of a year, a decade, a century and a millennium, but not the end of the world. December 31, 2000 was the end of all those cycles, and January 1, 2001 was the beginning of a new year, decade, century and millennium.

The same thing was the case with the Maya calendar, which was based on a cycle, in turn based on a count of 20 (I guess the Maya didn't wear closed toe shoes, because they did their math "base-20" where we do ours "base-10").

Anyway, December 21 is the end of a Tun (a Maya year-like interval made of 20 "months" of 18 days, plus some 5 or 6 extra days like our leap day, to keep the calendar in sync with the astronomy. It is also the end of a Katun (a 20 year cycle) and a Baktun (a 400 year cycle of 20 Katun). This whole Baktun cycle lasts 144000 days. So it is the end of a Tun, Katun, and Baktun (the 13th Baktun). The next day starts a new Tun, Katun and Baktun (the 14th Baktun starts) and a new 144000 day cycle starts counting again, just as they had calculated 13 times in the past.

The Maya did not predict the end of the world -- any more than Pope Gregory did when he developed our current calendar. The Maya "year" is called a "tun", and 20 of these is called a "katun". 20 katun is called a "baktun", about 400 years, and on December 21, 2012, the 13th baktun will end, and on December 22, the 14th baktun will begin. This is just like December 31, 2000, the end of the 20th century and second millenium, and January 1, 2001, the beginning of the 21st century and third millenium.

Planetary alignments and galactic alignments? No special planetary alignment occurs this year. Every year at the time of the Winter Solstice, the same alignment occurs, and nothing has happened. Back in December, 2004, there was an alignment such that in the early morning, Mercury was near the Eastern horizon, Venus was a bit above that, then Mars, Jupiter and Saturn each higher than the previous across the zodiac. With all these planets on the same side of the Earth-Sun line, nothing happened.

The 11 year solar activity cycle is expected to peak sometime around mid-2013. This cycle has been going on (probably) forever, and sunspots were first observed by Galileo in the 1500s. This solar maximum is not expected to be as big as those back in the late 1950s and the one in the late 1960s.

There are no known comets or asteroids or other objects expected to impact the Earth in the future, but astronomers continue to search, observe and calculate orbits to monitor any objects which are likely to collide with Earth.

Same kind of discussion applies about any other "reason" for it.

Given all the above, I recommend the following:

1. Don't run up your credit cards and other debts expecting that you won't have to pay them back after December 2012.

2. Don't skimp on your studies because you thought that by the end of 2012 it won't matter!

3. Remember that "I read on the internet that the world was going to end, so I didn't buy any Christmas presents" will sound really lame on Christmas morning.

4. This list could continue indefinitely...

5. If you are a perpretator of this hoax, maybe you should look for new work before Christmas, because your prognostication qualfications will be useless by then.
2012-11-29 16:40:08 UTC
It's a hoax.

A planetary alignment is a visual illusion that looks pretty but doesn't mean anything.

All planets in the solar system can't ever line up in a way where their gravity would combine due to their orbital inclinations and even if they could their combined gravity would do nothing to the earth.

The kind of alignments where the moon or sun and one or two planets form a nice straight(ish) line in the sky happens very frequently. It doesn nothing.

The extinction of the dinosaurs had nothing to do with a planetary alignment and we can't say when the dinosaurs became extinct to a level of accuracy to say whether there was an alignment or not, dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago and was likely caused by an asteroid or comet impact, a planetary aligment had nothing to do with it.

This whole Dec 21st 2012 stuff is a complete hoax,
2012-11-30 20:12:40 UTC
Got this from a source down below:

"Of course many will say nothing but others will say that there will be an end to life as we know it.

First off, I'm on the fence about it.

Now, look at the phrase" there will be an end to life as we know it". If you really think about it, if something did happen, it doesn't mean life itself will end. It's a greater possibility that the WAY we live our lives will end due to things like the magnetic poles reversing. That means, no cell phones, microwaves, radios, navigation, and even instinctive migratory processes for animals will change causing many species to die. It doesn't mean that flat out, the world is going to explode. An interesting fact though is that earth's magnetic field is starting to decay more rapidly and scientists say that the magnetic field will begin to do that before the reversal happens.

Why on earth would anyone believe the predictions? Well, there's many reasons especially when you research the Mayan calendar, the fact that it ends on this date and also the fact that their calendar has been more accurate then our own. Most of their prophesies as well have been dead on.

I'm not saying i am going to run around like a chicken with my head cut off and live in fear for the next 4 years, I certainly won't, but I am definitely curious about it. I think it's exciting. I am not going to prep for anything or worry, my life will go on, same as every other day, but the idea of it is fascinating."
2012-11-29 16:29:21 UTC
I copied this from WWW.2012HOAX.ORG

There are some things you need to know about the rumors of the "end of the world" or "Doomsday" in 20121.

The "2012 doomsday" is a hoax, a fraud, and an absolute con job. It is a cruel and disgusting lie being promoted by scam artists after money; First they scare people to death that something terrible is going to happen, then publish books and videos on "how to survive the apocalypse". Get the scam?! You're not going to fall for something like that… right?

The problem is that some people will fall for the scam. Some people will believe it. Some people will waste their money buying fake information on "how to survive". Some people will buy worthless survival kits, and some will even buy spaces in shelters that are not going to be built - ever!.

Some people will die because of these rumours, and we are trying our best to stop them

If you think we are being overly dramatic, then consider this example. In September, 2008, a young woman in India became distraught and depressed after watching well made but over-hyped reports about the Large Hadron Collider. She believed these shows when they said that the LHC would cause a 'miniature big bang' or create a black hole, and destroy the world. She drank insecticide. She was 16.
2012-11-29 16:23:58 UTC
I think the whole thing is bull. The Mayans lived thousands of years ago. How would they know when the whole world is going to end when they can't even predict the end of their own civilization? Plus, there are tens of thousands of astronomers out there. They would spread the news if there was some alignment issue of the planets, like you said in your question.
2012-11-29 16:21:48 UTC
No. Remember that nobody can predict the end of the world. The world should have ended at the beginning of this year technically because the Mayans messed up on the calendar and forgot to add leap years. So don't worry about it :)
2016-10-14 15:13:01 UTC
it particularly is what's going to take place on December 21, 2012. The sunlight will upward push interior the morning. it particularly is going to likely be what ever the climate forecast calls. anybody will bypass by using out their day like typical. Then the sunlight will set. Will proceed our night and bypass to mattress and then the sunlight will upward push lower back on December 22, 2012 hence making people who thought the international became going to end sense like a fool.
2012-11-29 16:26:17 UTC
December 21 is going to happen. It really isn't that unusual. We had one last December. If I remember correctly it fell between the 20th and the 22nd just like in a number line. I think it's some sort of custom or ritual. Hard to say, really.

2012-11-29 16:22:09 UTC
no, i dont believe it, science has no proof or evidence except the mayans ended the calendar, nobody knows why...

even i have worried about that but i just live like theres no tomorrow!

~ (:
2012-11-29 16:24:39 UTC
IF the mayans that have made the calender were so smart, how come they and thier culture disappeared.................... its just another fallacy, don't worry.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.