2016-07-03 06:28:54 UTC
did Jehovah create life on one planet or many many millions of planets throughout the universe?
through sophisticated technology our atsronomers are able to peer further and further into the darkened expanses of space. new forms of astronomy are discovered every century. steven hawking is even on the hunt for extra-terrestrials.
improved telescopes are always being sent up. the james webb telescope is 1,000 times stronger than hubble. imagine how good telescopes will be in 100 years time.
ALSO within the next half century we will UNDOUBTEDLY have colonised mars- maybe their could be bacteria there. and I expect we will also have landed buggys on Europa and titan as well.
so the big question is: by 2200 will humans have discovered proof that life (simple or complex) exists elsewhere OR will we forever be ALONE???