I'm a little tiny bit confused as to what you are asking. My favorite site about the (lack of) science behind astrology is at badastronomy.com. The recently re-did the website, so you have to click on a link on the right hand column to get to Phil Plait's original Bad Astronomy page, where you will see three main links at the center. Moon Landing Hoax debunking, Hoaglund debunking, and Astrology debunking. I think you should figure out which one of those fits your curiosity.
If you are looking for the stories, the Greek mythology behind the constellations, my suggestion is to type in "greek mythology" and the constellation name, into your favorite search engine.
I'm not sure all 88 constellations have astrological value, since most of astrology depends on what part of the sky the sun, moon, and planets are in, which would be limited to the 12 constellations of the zodiac, plus Ophiuchus. Also, astrology does not seem to fully accept the astronomical borders and definitions of certain constellations, and will say "precession" is why a person born in September is considered a Virgo, despite the sun is clearly in the constellation of Leo during the bulk of that month.
But like I said, I'm not entirely sure what you are asking when you say you want to know more about the "myths on astrological" stuff.