If a black hole is a sphere of densely packed matter, whatever gets sucked in....?
Greg c
2008-03-08 21:06:23 UTC
Most people look as space being flat and warped space only being pushed downwards. Space is 3 dimensional and warped space is 3 dimensional. Matter would get sucked in and go through the sphere. It think it would definitely go to another place in the Galaxy, universe, or Dimension. When you look at pictures of black holes, its shows the black hole as being 2 dimensional. If it were 2 dimensional, it would be all right to think the material would be coming out the other side of the black hole, underneath it. With a 3 dimensional sphere there is no other side. It would suck everything in from all angles, every direction, 360 degrees at the same rate. so it has to be transported somewhere else to form new stars or whatever got sucked in. What do you guys think ?
Thirteen answers:
2008-03-08 21:18:19 UTC
All pictures are naturally 2-dimensional - they are printed on 2-dimensional paper or appear on 2-dimensional computer screens or TVs.

Black holes are 3-dimensional spheres (just like all visible objects in space). You're right, there is no "other side".

But a black hole is a singularity - the laws of physics as we know them break down and quantum physics takes over at the event horizon. There is no evidence (observational or mathematical) to support the idea that matter entering a black hole "transports" somewhere else.

Its not an obvious consequence of mass entering a 3-dimensional object. You are 3-dimensional taking in matter - if food people ate transported somewhere else we would know about it.
2008-03-08 22:04:15 UTC
I think you are on to something... but I think you are a little confused.

The "2-D" pictures you refer to are showing how space-time bends in the presence of gravity. They show space-time as a 2-D sheet and gravity as adding a third dimension of depth to this sheet (like placing a ball on the sheet... it will create a dip). The black hole, you might recall, in those 2-D pictures is a discontinuity in the sheet of space-time, were the gravity has pulled the sheet infinitely down, creating a hole with steep sides in that sheet.

In our usual 4-D world, space-time would be similarly curved-- distorted by gravity. The idea of being able to transport to somewhere else comes from the idea that there is what seems to be a discontinuity in the 2-D representation. The problem with this is that this isn't necessarily what the representation is meant to show. It's not so much that there is a "hole" into which you can fall and it must have a bottom or put you out somewhere... it is supposed to show a place where no particle could escape the hole no matter how fast it is flung into it. So maybe it is better to picture a black hole as a place where the sides of the dip are too steep. The mass falls in and actually seems to deepen the hole... as in our real 4-D universe where matter that is added to a black hole actually adds to it's mass.
2008-03-08 21:27:33 UTC
they are called white holes, but there is no evidence that they exist. Some theories allow for them but I'm not sure if any current "mainstream" theories do.

There is no possible picture of a black hole since no particles, including light can escape it. A diagram of a black hole must be two dimensional since we've not gotten to the point of routine use of three dimensional images. Space, in case you haven't heard is FOUR dimensional, called space-time. So even if we could use a 3D image we'd not have the 4th dimension depicted.

Second, it is NOT made of densely packed matter, it is created by a large body of dense matter. The black hole itself is a singularity (we believe) It has spin, charge, mass, and possibly a magnetic moment ( I forget) but thats all. It has nothing else; it is not composed of anything.

Finally, since most black holes have accretion disks around them (we think), while the bh itself is black, the area around it gives off tremendous amounts of enerrgy as the matter radiates energy as it is lost to our universe. (it takes an infinite amount of time for a bit of matter to fall all the way into a bh - so it hasn't happened "yet")..So, telescopes can take pictures of objects which look to be assoicated with a black hole. Just cant photograph the hole itself.
2008-03-08 21:36:46 UTC
You are forgetting about compression, and "spaghettification"; the process whereby the much greater acceleration towards the singularity at the closest part of a body/object exceeds that at the far end, to the extent that it is squeezed, and pulled lengthwise, along that line. If Hawking is correct about their "evaporation", (many billions of years may be required, to find out) then you are wrong. Either way, no life form cannot survive such abuse. Also, there are few things which can be stated about any gravastar, or collapsar (even Hawking no longer believes in the concept of a so called "event horizon": it just doesn't conform to the laws of physics, and, without such, no such thing as a black hole can exist). One is its mass. If something entering it was "transported" elsewhere, so should its mass, which means that once one had formed, anything after that couldn't add to its mass. Yet there are thought to be supermassive gravastars in the centre of most galaxies, including the Milky Way. See and read the blog, on page 9, in order of date written.
2008-03-08 21:23:51 UTC
I believe that black holes do not lead to another destination, as they are black holes, not 'worm holes' that many popular sci-fi movies and novels elaborate upon. If anyone ever entered a black hole alive, that would be a break through on more that just the physics level of things, just how their bodies survived the trip into it, with ever increasing gravity and all, would be a medical mystery. But none the less a mystery which would never be solved, becuase they would probably be dead anyway, since they entered the black hole.

Space is actually more than 3 dimesional, that is just how we humans perceive it. Albert Einstien proved space to be four dimesional, with the inclusion of space-time theory into mainstream science, since then scientists who are building upon Einstiens works, have managed to find almost 6 more dimensions. Once again these dimensions are not anything like those we see on our favourite T.V. shows, these dimensions are very much part of this universe as we are.
2008-03-08 22:55:10 UTC
Matter as we classically conceive of it does not exist, paraphrasing Max Planck.

At every point we have examined matter itself, it is not a solid thing; it turns out to be a lot of empty space with some energetic particles speeding around. What this means is that things that we conceive to be solid are actually mostly empty space.

As gravity increases, there is simply less and less space between what are ultimate particles of matter, which are proposed to be ten to the negative thirty-fifth meters in diameter.

All pure matter in our known universe (diameter of tens of billions of light-years) existed in the primordial particle which was roughly a sphere some 75 mm in diameter.

Thus it is not necessary for matter which is taken into the singularity of a black hole to go somewhere else. It can all stay right there and not defy any known laws.

HOWEVER, no one knows yet what happens within a black hole. Every single thing that you have ever heard or read is only conjecture; simply because the mathematics to demonstrate the workings within a black hole do not yet exist.
2008-03-08 21:14:26 UTC
our brains doesn't work in 4 dimensions, therefore just because you cant picture a singularity in higher dimensions doesn't necessarily mean the matter has to be "elsewhere"

and the black hole always has a given mass, and a specific event horizon given by its mass, so on the contrary, the mass doesn't go anywhere, it stays exactly where it is, in the singularity. because we can measure its mass
Maria V
2008-03-08 21:48:34 UTC
I think black holes and worm holes are the same thing...maybe its a tunnel to the multiverse...where all matter gets trapped to create another universe with different dimensions and differnt types of matter ...
2008-03-08 21:50:18 UTC
ok, think of it as reversing in on itself and coming back out into a type of, parallel universe or dimension. if a 2d one is a 'hole' then a 3d one would be like a 3d hole, sort of. its complicated and i dont think another person will be able to explain this to you, u must just think about this and watch the hawking paradox a few times to understand black holes.
2008-03-08 21:14:08 UTC
ok well i learned a couple of weeks ago that nothing can excape a black hole not even light so its bacically not going anywhere its being compressed into nothingness......if that helps
2008-03-08 21:24:23 UTC
all matter is getting pulled back into an infinately small space... just like 4 billion years ago before the big bang... de ja vu!!!!!!!
hi yahoo!
2008-03-09 03:46:36 UTC
everything shrinks into a singularity and is being EATEN up by the singularity. YUMMY!!!!!
2008-03-08 21:15:03 UTC
uhm i think stephen hawkings has talked about that

so you should look it up.. !

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