they are called white holes, but there is no evidence that they exist. Some theories allow for them but I'm not sure if any current "mainstream" theories do.
There is no possible picture of a black hole since no particles, including light can escape it. A diagram of a black hole must be two dimensional since we've not gotten to the point of routine use of three dimensional images. Space, in case you haven't heard is FOUR dimensional, called space-time. So even if we could use a 3D image we'd not have the 4th dimension depicted.
Second, it is NOT made of densely packed matter, it is created by a large body of dense matter. The black hole itself is a singularity (we believe) It has spin, charge, mass, and possibly a magnetic moment ( I forget) but thats all. It has nothing else; it is not composed of anything.
Finally, since most black holes have accretion disks around them (we think), while the bh itself is black, the area around it gives off tremendous amounts of enerrgy as the matter radiates energy as it is lost to our universe. (it takes an infinite amount of time for a bit of matter to fall all the way into a bh - so it hasn't happened "yet")..So, telescopes can take pictures of objects which look to be assoicated with a black hole. Just cant photograph the hole itself.