Why is Nibiru/planet X (supposedly) blacked on google earth sky? Information on Nibiru?
2010-06-01 17:18:49 UTC
I didn't initially believe that it existed. But after reading so much about the sumerian old readings and that stuff, I think it could exist. My friends and I were checking out youtube and found out about how 3 years ago you could see some red planet/thing on google sky....but now 3 years later google sky blacked it out. We looked ourselves and found it blacked out. Is something actually coming?

I know that a huge telescope has been put down at the south pole to keep track of this planet....and it's supposed to be visible to the naked eye by july of 2011 . Any interesting info anyone has.

I know that some of the answers will be like "thanks for asking a stupid question" or "planet X is all bull****". Go ahead and do it if you want but you are just wasting your time.
Eighteen answers:
2010-06-01 17:22:58 UTC
Google Sky is incomplete. Do you really think the government would go to the trouble of blacking out an area on Google Sky to hide something when anyone with a telescope could just look at that area of the sky for themselves? Does that idea make any sense? I don't think so. Try listening to the scientists who know Nibiru doesn't exist instead of believing random YouTube videos. By the way, did you know the crackpots originally predicted that Nibiru would arrive in 2003? It never showed up (since it's imaginary), so they moved up the date. When Nibiru is not visible in 2011, they'll just move up the date again.

Edit: Try reading my answer a little more carefully before you criticize it. You didn't even get my username right. Nibiru doesn't exist and that's a fact.
2010-06-01 17:57:08 UTC
1. So you're saying, if there was something you desperately wanted to keep secret, you'd cover it with a black shroud and put a sign up saying "There's nothing secret here".

2. If it's in the sky, it's visible to anyone on the right side of the world with a telescope.

3. "I know that a huge telescope has been put down at the south pole to keep track of this planet. . ." Now I, too, know I'm wasting my time. There is no such thing. And why the South Pole? Why "huge"?

4. Please understand that Google Sky is not single photographs, any more than Google Earth is a mosaic of single photos.

On GE, when you're high enough to see a continent, that's one photo. As you get closer, another photo or "layer" takes over. This keeps happening until you're close enough to see details such as cars. The camera that took the highest photo was a satellite. The closest photos are from aircraft. The satellite photo doesn't have the resolution to see teh cars, because from that altitude they're much smaller than one pixel.

On GS, it's the same. It's a set of layers, with closer photos of objects stuck in on the background sky. There are places where it's badly joined together. Google never intended it to be a scientific tool. It's for fun only. It isn't "the ONLY place on google sky that is blacked out"; on GS they're all over the place.

I too say, there's something wrong with an education system if people honestly believe YouTube is a valid source of information. ANYONE can put ANYTHING there.

I'd be interested to know, why do you choose to believe those sources rather than those that say it doesn't exist?
2016-12-17 16:55:23 UTC
Nibiru Google Sky
2016-12-24 03:44:52 UTC
2010-06-01 19:21:49 UTC
If you zoom out, you can see that this image is patched together from dozens of individual images. The blank rectangle is an area where the images fail to overlap. This is one of the richest, best known and most frequently imaged areas in the entire sky, and I can vouch from personal observation that there is nothing of importance in the blacked out area.

This part of the sky (Orion) is nowhere near the ecliptic where all the other planets are found.

"I know that a huge telescope has been put down at the south pole to keep track of this planet....and it's supposed to be visible to the naked eye by july of 2011 . Any interesting info anyone has."

This is complete nonsense. Nibiru was supposed to be visible in July of 2009. When it failed to appear, the date was pushed ahead to 2011. Any planet with the characteristics attributed to Nibiru would have been picked up years ago by the many survey programs looking for comets and asteroids. There is no "huge telescope" in Antarctica. There would be no reason to locate it there, since anything near the south celestial pole is visible from thousands of telescopes all over the southern hemisphere.
2010-06-01 18:17:42 UTC
Planet Nibiru comes from a fiction story. If it, supposedly close enough to see with a naked eye in a year, then any amateur astronomer, even with a cheapest telescope can see it now. So, there is no government conspiracy to "block out" Nibiru, there is no huge telescope at the south pole to watch Nibiru because it doesn't exist.

The people who are pushing the whole end of the world nonsense are the same people who predicted the end of the world before. They claimed that everyone will die, unless you follow steps in a book which they just happen to be selling.

They predicted the end of the world in 1907 when the Earth was to pass through the tail of Haley's Comet with trace amounts of Cyanide gas. They even sold gas masks that would even filter out the gas. The world didn't end then.

They predicted the end of the world in the 1970 when the planets in the Solar System would line up and put out a bunch of books that described in exquisite detail how the Earth would be pulled apart. The world didn't end then.

They predicted the end of the world in 2000 because all computers will crash. The people who pouched it the most were the ones who would be happy to sell you a Y2K shelter, weapons, and survival supplies so that you could sit out the unrest. The world didn't end then.

Every time the world didn't end, the people who predicted it went: Oops, we forgot to carry the two during the long division. But we found the mistake, and according to our latest calculations, the world will end eleven years from now.

So, this is what's going to happen on December 22, 2012. After the magnetic poles don't reverse, and Planet Nibiru doesn't materialize, the same people will re-emerge a couple of years later claiming that the sun will get hit by an rogue asteroid and that will cause Earth's orbit to move out of habitable zone.

Now. if you prefer to believe some snake oil salesmen, and not the scientists, just go and ask people from Heaven's Gate what can happen. Oh, that's right, you can't. They all killed themselves because they thought that a UFO was hiding behind a comet. But not before giving away all of their money to parties unknown.
2016-12-26 00:21:02 UTC
2017-01-20 14:13:16 UTC
2010-06-01 18:27:15 UTC
Why would one construct a telescope to track it on the South Pole, which would confer exactly zero advantage for tracking planets within our solar system vs any number of already operating observatories? If one accepts the ludicrous premise that these observatories are specifically to track 'Nibiru', what's to stop the entire astronomy community from stumbling upon that 'secret'? It's not like they can put a block in the night sky, and anything which can be seen from the South Pole can also be seen anywhere else in the Southern Hemisphere.
2010-06-01 17:27:56 UTC
any planets that you can see are reflecting light from the sun. if the planet isn't in direct sunlight then your not going to see it. or if the surface is non reflective you won't see it. also depending on where it is, it could be that it is on the other side of the sun from us meaning if we were to try to look at it we couldn't see it past the glare of the sun. the planet is real, it is documented, as well as the moon that was suppose to be named after a character in xena but was renamed. It is outside our solar system.

as far as you tube goes for research you should really try somewhere a little more creditable. I mean anyone can put anything there and all you have to do to add a bright spot to a video is a tool in pretty much any video editing software.

There are telescopes all over the planet that are used to track any object that may come within our solar system in the forseeable future. they don't put up specific telescopes for specific threats but they do have them. pretty much anything likely to hit the planet in the next thousand years is being tracked.

I just read the added bit. If you can see the light it hasn't been blackout if they were to black something out it would be by erasing the section of the map and completely replacing it with black . in that case it is EXTREMELY likely that the object is in the shadow of another planet or object possibly even it's on moon based on how far from the sun it is
2010-06-01 17:35:14 UTC
If I'm wasting my time, so be it, but I'm still going to try to educate you as to why this is bullshit.

Firstly, if you take ANYTHING on youtube seriously.. well, there's your first problem. As for Google Sky, I don't have any experience with the program, but logical guesses would either be it's incomplete, or that area had something classified, such as a millitary satellite in it, and the government requested it be taken down. I just pulled it up and do not see this "empty area", however. Can you direct me to the spot you're claiming is there?

As for "knowing" there's a huge telescope on the south pole to track it, that's simply false. The SPT cannot track a planet, or even see one. It's a microwave telescope, not a visual one, designed to survey extremely distant galatic clusters, objectively to help make sense of the Dark Energy theory. To visually see something as close as planet, you could see it from virtually anywhere on Earth, and most certainly anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere. A planet could not be hidden so that it could only be seen from the South Pole. Planets travel across somethign known as the Ecliptic, which is the axis most objects are aligned around the sun in, loosely speaking.

Lastly, and reason this is completely nonsense, is if something would be visible in one year with the naked eye, it would be EASILY visible in any sized telescope, not just professional ones, but in something any amatuer could purchase quite cheaply. In fact, even if it were "invisible", as the conspiracy theorists claim (which is rediculous), it's gravity would still bend light around it (this is known as gravitational lensing) and block out anything behind it, so it would still be easy to see that something was there.

Edit: i followed those coordinates, and there's most definately not an empty patch of sky there. It's in the Constellation Orion, just SE of the red giant star Betelguse, an area of the sky i'm quite familiar with. There's plenty of lower magnitude stars in that area of the sky, though it is not a heavily populated region of space. If you're refering to the fact that when zoomed in far enough, there's no image available, it's because nothing at higher magnifcation was added to google (zooming is actually changing to a different logical image, not "zooming" like you would with binoculars). As to WHY that is? Well, my best guess is because from an astronomical definition, it is pretty "empty". Using a starchart program (Stellarium, it's free and very accurate), I took a look there. There's virtually nothing of interest within several arc minutes aside from Betelguse itself. No galaxies, no clusters, nothing. So there's probably just no pictures of the area at higher magnication submitted to google.
2016-03-17 04:10:35 UTC
Great question. Lots of people will say melanin, sun exposure, and what not. I AM CERTAIN the answer goes way deeper than the skin, right down to genetics. I grew up and live in South Africa. We're the one country worldwide that has no shortage of blacks, whites, and indians living and growing up together (though rural places r still quite racist). What's common knowledge over here is that whites have *PUBERTY* waaaay before blacks who can look like babies at university into their 30's. At 30 a white South African easily looks 45 to an unsuspecting black guy. So the whole melanin things is SURELY the tip of the iceberg. This phenomenon could also explain why black score lower in IQ tests, you may need to adjust age/devlpment. That's a whole different thesis!
Marko S
2010-06-02 10:51:48 UTC
OK, and how do you think they manage to black out this particular area ON THE REAL SKY?

With a humongous black garbage bag floating in outer space?

You do realize there are thousands of both professional and amateur astronomers, watching the space, all over the world, 24/7?

You'd think they just might see if something is wrong in the sky, right?

BTW, the telescope you mention is a RADIO telescope. It doesn't take pictures.
2016-09-30 09:34:09 UTC
Google Gravity Unblocked
2014-09-10 20:00:29 UTC

Google Earth lets you view Earth from all angles thanks to a combination of satellite photos and aerial images.

To download Google Earth for free click here

2010-06-01 18:13:45 UTC
How would the Sumerians know of the existance of a planet that can't be seen with the naked eye when they didn't even have the most basic of optics available?
2016-08-06 02:12:36 UTC
Haven't thought about it
2016-09-13 14:26:49 UTC
You raise some good points here.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.