is the world going to end on 2012?
2009-08-04 20:53:29 UTC
well ok,im 13 years old,and i think im getting crazzyy,,i keep going to google to see and read about 2012 and i get more scared,i heard that by the year 2012 there are going to be sins,like wars,earthquakes,etc....and then wen it comes by december 21 2012 the world will veryy scaredd about this stufff...sometimes i just wanna cryy ,,you know...and i wanna have a good life..but how??how//?im not going to be conterble about this,,,:(..please help me:)thank you
68 answers:
~#10Hero~You Know It!
2009-08-04 20:56:01 UTC
No, I am not at all worried about the 2012 thing. To me it's just like when people said that it would end in the year 2000. It's a lot of gloom and doom, and no solid evidence. And even when Christ comes again, I don't think the world will end. It will still be here.
2009-08-04 20:59:03 UTC
Yeah, that's my birthday 18 birthday so I get freaked out.

But people misinterpret what the whole 2012 ordeal is. All the date is really about is the last day on the Mayan calendar and if you asked a Mayan today they would tell you that the world is not going to end in 2012. People panic and think that the world will be destroyed or the apocalypse will begin, but really the reality is it's the end of a cycle. If you're only 13 just brush it off, no one actually knows the day the world will end. Everyone thought that in 2000 everyone was going to die, but yet we are here 9 years later. All that could mean is maybe a very slight possibility something legendary might happen on 12/21/2012. You just have to live your life to the fullest and not worry about anything like that. When your time comes it will come and if you just don't think about it you will be satisfied in the end.
2009-08-04 21:05:07 UTC
Alright first of all, just relax a bit. An ancient civilization called the mayans believed that the world ends in 2012. They used to be really good astronomers, so the government nowadays has no choice but to accept the mayans beliefs. You heard about the Swine Flu? There really is no Swine Flu. The government is trying to scare you. Nobody really knows when the world will end. Treat tomorrow as if it was your last day. Hang out with friends, go for a run, do the simple stuff that gets your mind off things. Your too young to worry about the world ending and stuff like that. Just wait till you get out in the real world.
Elizabeth H
2009-08-04 21:04:19 UTC
There is going to be no doomsday event in 2012. When something ends (even something as innocent as an ancient calendar), people seem to think up the most extreme possibilities for the end of civilization as we know it.

When astrologers speak of the planets being aligned (something which doesn't really concern astronomers) they don't mean that the planets will actually all lie on a straight line at some instant of time. One calculation of alignments within around thirty degrees (about as close as they can get) shows that the last such alignment was in 561 BC, and the next will be in 2854. All eight planets are somewhat aligned every 500 years, and are grouped within 30 degrees every 1 to 3 alignments.

There is absolutely no scientific evidence supporting the claim that there could be a geomagnetic reversal around the time of December 21st, 2012.

the effects of such a reversal have been totally over-hyped.

We'll most likely experience aurorae at all latitudes whilst the dipolar magnetic field settles down to its new, reversed state, and there might be a small increase in energetic particles from space

we'll still be protected by our thick atmosphere.

Nostradamus was, by profession, an apothecary – which, in modern terms, is a pharmacist.

The predictions of Nostradamus can be compared to that of an arrow being shot at a blank wall on which the believers paint a target around its landing!
2009-08-04 20:58:09 UTC
2012: The End Game Begins

By Marie D. Jones

The world is abuzz with talk of the year 2012; however, not everyone is looking forward to the year with the same outlook or expectations. For some, the year hints at apocalyptic end times; a period in which the world will be thrown into utter chaos and violent upheaval. A turbulent and tumultuous epoch in which both natural and man-made disasters will decimate and possibly lead to the extinction of life as we know it. Other, more optimistic people perceive this date as a moment of awakening, a massive global transformation of consciousness…one which is to be anticipated with joy and celebration.

Perhaps, the real outcome lies somewhere in between the two extremes.

The mythology behind the 2012 enigma focuses on the ancient Mayan Long Count Calendar which was a Mesoamerican calendrical system that mysteriously ends on December 21, 2012. Interestingly enough, that date also coincides with the winter solstice. This date further corresponds with a predicted "galactic alignment" which is believed to occur when our solar system passes directly through the Galactic Equator. And although there is some valid argument for other "end dates" as prescribed by the intricate and sophisticated Mayan calendar, including the alternate end date of October 28, 2011 (as well as an end date of December 23, 2012, rather than December 21), most experts who have studied the Long Count agree that time is coming to an end.

But what kind of an end? In the human mind, the etymology of the word "end" conjures a certain finality - one in which there is no hope.

Thousands of years before our current civilization, did this seemingly simple agrarian society actually predict that life would end altogether, snuffed out in an explosive supernova of disaster upon plague, warfare upon extermination?

Both the Judeo-Christian and Islamic end times scenarios, which are based upon Western fundamentalist Abrahamic thought, do indeed herald a time of literal cleansing. A time when the earth would suffer through the coming of the Four Horsemen bearing gifts of war, famine, plague and death - with the ultimate judgment day not too far behind. And certainly there is ample evidence in other religious traditions of an ending of one age, as in the Hindu "yugas" or ages that mark a cyclical pattern of both external and internal creation and destruction. This ongoing cycle or "kalpa" also has an end date when, according to Hindu belief, the final avatar will incarnate as Kali and bring about the destruction of all wicked people. Is that likewise an "end?"

Even the oldest creation stories and mythologies tell of a cosmic cycle punctuated by a Big Ending, so to speak, although many native traditions believe that the end, though violent and deadly to be sure, would then be the beginning of a new era of peace, harmony and enlightenment.

The Mayans themselves have suggested that their own end date is really nothing more than the finishing point of a particular age or "underworld," the one we are living in right now, the Galactic Underworld, and the entry point into the Universal Underworld of both conscious evolution and revolution. There is nothing in Mayan tradition, lore or belief that envisages a scenario in which we will all die and the planet will cease to exist. Rather, the idea is one of amazing and collective rebirth. A period of newfound cosmic awareness. An era in which humanity expands their collective conscious awareness.

Then why all the angst and fear when people speak of 2012? Maybe, the answer is within us. Perhaps it is as simple as basic human psychology. Nobody likes change, especially when it is preceded by great stress, trials, tribulations, and challenges, the likes of which we are already seeing in the years leading up to 2012.

Even if we were to ignore completely the Mayan Long Count Calendar and its Aztec sister version (which speaks of the very same end time transformation,) and even if we did not ascribe to the religious traditions that await total human annihilation at the hands of a final battle between the devil and the Christ (don't worry, the good guys will be raptured, we are told!), there is still ample evidence that the next few years will be rife with chaos, disorder and destruction. Why? Because what we resist persists, and often grows, and if there is indeed a wave of spiritual transformation gaining momentum, then coming resistance will be more than enough to make us wonder if we will, indeed, wake up to a brave new world on the first morning of 2013.

As we have seen over the last several years, global power is shifting to the east, with economic turmoil already gripping much of the West in a headlock of plunging home values, rising energy costs, shaky markets, and a widening gap between the rich and the poor. As we approach ( if we have not already) peak oil, the quest for easily extracted fuel will exponentially increase - even as the po
2009-08-05 02:19:45 UTC
Predictors of big changes or doom are astrologers or numerologists, (Jose Arguelles and Patrick Geryl) drug users, (the late Terence McKenna), career frauds or a near psychopath who hears voices in her head and rants at anyone who disagrees with her. The rest are frauds out for any money that might be floating about.

All their "evidence" like planetary alignments, planet X and Nibiru is lies or exaggerations of things that are nearly true like supposed galactic "alignments", but these don't mean anything anyway.

Their precious Mayan calendar predicted nothing, it clicks over in December 2012, maybe. Maybe it has already done so, the date of this is actually uncertain but most of the genuine scholars say 21 or 23 December.

Nostradamus wrote medieval gibberish and it means exactly nothing. The Nostradamus spouters wait till something happens, find a verse and claim he predicted it. They are liars.

No serious scholar would touch Nostradamus' books with a 40 foot pole, the entire subject stinks of superstition and fraud and so only the frauds and the superstitious quote Nostradamus.

Given the abysmally bad quality of the sources of this myth and the lies they bring up as evidence, scientists and anyone else with common sense can say with confidence that the only year in the near future when the world will NOT end is 2012.
2009-08-04 21:10:57 UTC
When I was 13, lots of bad things were happening in the world too. I told my Daddy that my friends at church were saying the Apocalypse was coming, the end of the world.

My Daddy made me an ice cream and told me the following:

"Honey, when I was 5 in 1918, a man came to Tomahawk Wisconsin, where our family lived and told us the world was coming to an end. He gave the date as sometime in the 1920s. When I was 7, I was really scared, because it was 1920 and the man had said the end was coming in 1920. The world did not end in 1920. When I was about 15, another man came around, saying that the world was going to end in 1930. The year came and went and the world continued to survive. ABout every 10 years after that, somebody came around with the same song and dance. So far, the world has continued to exist, in spite of all the times it was supposed to have ended.

Fifty four years, I've been hearing the same story with the same results. My father told me that when he was a lad in the late 1800s, it was the same way. About every 10 years, somebody comes up with a Doomsday story. A false story. Again and again. Please don't worry about the end of the world, because God loves you very much and will surely make certain that His beloved ones will end up in a good place."

I have also seen the previews of that movie. I do not plan to watch it. It was designed by people who love to strike fear into the hearts of little girls. Instead, recall that in the Bible it clearly states that we will not know when the end of the world takes place, because the Lord will come softly, as a thief in the night.

If you're right with God, you have nothing to worry about. Concentrate on getting good grades in school and learning skills that will improve your value to the world in general.

Best wishes.
2009-08-04 21:05:21 UTC
Dude, I doubt its going to happen. And even if it does, I think you should live your life every day to the fullest while you can. Who knows you might die in a car crash tomorrow or something. People have predicted the end of the world alot. All of them have been wrong. 2000 was believed to be the end..Were are you right now? on the computer on earth alive. Its a bunch of bullshit that that would happen. But if it does happen, and you lived your life while you could..You'll be in heaven or hell saying to yuorourself that you had a fun life. God gave you life to live it, not waste it by worrying about stuff that will prpbably not happen. And there is no proof that the world will end. The Mayans never sed it would end, just there calander ended. The main point is, live your life while you can. It wont be there forever.

2009-08-04 20:57:24 UTC
If you're 13, then you were too young to remember. They said the same thing about the year 2000. Y2K, blah blah. Superstitious imbeciles always have a doomsday prophecy going on. The world is not going to end in 2012 just because an ancient calendar didn't go farther than that year. We're going to be fine, and once 2012 rolls round, and passes us by, a bunch of religious and political hustlers will get together to spread rumors of the next doomsday prophecy too.
2009-08-04 20:58:54 UTC
well yes and no is the real answer here because predictions of that multitude are very very unlikely to ever happen but thats not to say the world couldnt could end at any moment of everyday..whether a country decides to start a nuclear war or astronomers look over an asteroid which collides into the earth or if humans in our awful ways continue to slowly destroy the environment and in turn the world...

so no the world isnt going to end on 12/21/2012, but you never know whatll happen
2009-08-04 21:00:12 UTC
The Mayans think that the world will end in 2012 because it is the end of their calendar. That doesn't mean that that the world will end. There has been no proof that this world will end in 2012. If there were to be evidence to link with "Doomsday", then that would be though otherwise. I really hope this helps and dont worry, the world has possibly millions of years to go!
2009-08-04 21:23:44 UTC
The Mayans and Chinese calendars do for some strange reason do end in 2012. Coincidence??? Maybe...Two things, either they could not count higher than that or it will happen. Who knows what the future brings. As for now, just enjoy life. You only live once, enjoy life to the fullest each and every day. Live each day without regrets and the future will take care of itself. You are worrying about something you cannot control.

Que sera sera
2009-08-04 21:01:03 UTC
It's possible that human life as we know it could be put to an end due to predicted electrical storms and various other untimely events. but not how you portray it. It's not like it's some great prophecy being foretold. It's just unlucky that in our lifetime, and the state of the universe, that there could be severe electrical storms in 2012. anyway, we will run out of oil soon (about 2038). so life as we know it will be ****** anyway.

And although i personally do not believe in human related global warming it is possible that the volcanic eruptions that emitted thousands of kilos of Co2 into the atmosphere, we could be getting a little wet. And not in the good way. Ladies ?
2009-08-04 20:58:08 UTC
all of it is incorrect. the only thing that is happening on 2012 is the mayan calender ends...I mean it starts over. It's like saying it's dec. 31st and tomorrow is another year. The mayan calender is a long one, and it's basically starting over on 2012. There is nothing else to it. Since it's such an old calender people are looking too deeply into things. Enjoy your'll be a long one. I think you have more to worry about global warming than 2012.
Mike S
2009-08-04 20:58:40 UTC
Im 13 too, doubt it. people keep on trying to predict the end of the world and have obviously always been wrong. Just because the Mayan calender ends in 2012 doesnt meen the world will.
2009-08-04 20:57:25 UTC
No, it wont. It was supposed to end in the 60's I think. And then again in 2000. People only think the world will end in 2012 because the Mayan calender doesn't go past that.
Rob U
2009-08-04 20:57:21 UTC
"i heard that by the year 2010 there are going to be sins" honey, there are already sins in this world. Don't worry about 2012, you're freaking out. We'll see when the time comes, and if it does happen, let's just hope God has a plan for us.
2009-08-04 20:57:49 UTC

i'm 13 tooo!! so to answer your question? well no body know's its JUST A THEORY!!! i havve seen many documentries surrounding that too but i have also seena and heard that the world will end in 2009 but hey were still here1!!:) but if ur really worrried than u know what just live life to its fulliest and enjoy life and its really no that there will be war its that the sun will rise in a certain way or sumthing :)

well hope i helped

guud luck
2009-08-04 21:05:34 UTC
Don't be scared or deceived, No one knows when the world will end except GOD,

If the world is gonna end, some things happen that gives you clue. But i don't think there is one,

Just Pray and Trust in God, There is a much better life in heaven though.
2009-08-04 20:59:21 UTC
Well technically since all realities do exist and time is not just a simple line, it is possible that it has already happened, it is happening, and it will happen. But in this existence? Probably not. Anyways, if it is going to happen in this reality, then you know when everything will end! Go make some sort of fiendish plot, or do something extreme.
2009-08-04 20:56:56 UTC
that date is 12 12 12. Do you realise the pattern? A simple pattern that would make people scared. Notice the movie coming out for it... Would you see that because you are scared of the world ending? Yes. Its hype for that movie. People predicted the world would end in 2000, Did it? No. There is no way to predict the end of the world.
Babies with Mustaches
2009-08-04 21:06:59 UTC
umm ok well im about your age and ive thot long and hard about it, and it scared the shiest outa me too, but theres not proven facts, but the more i think about it, it sorta makes sense. look i dont know much but i have theories, but i dont wanna scare you. just dont join a cult to commit suicide. ive always looked at it this way: people have been predicting the end of the world since the world began, so it probably wont happen. calm down and enjoy life! youll be what? 15-16? so youll get most of your teenage years, and you will most likely finish them, because the world probably wont end. forget about it sweety!
2009-08-04 20:58:13 UTC
Dec 21, 2012 is my 21st birthday

it is so creepy! lol

but anyway, ppl have been predicting the end many times and it hasnt happened

i dont see why it would this time either

the mayans calendar doesnt go beyond this date because the civilization didnt live long enough to extend their calendar :)
Daves Girl
2009-08-04 20:57:19 UTC
Who knows, only God knows when that is going to happen and not Google. The world was supposed to end on the year 2000 and on 06/06/2006 and did it? No.
2009-08-04 20:57:22 UTC
i'm so sick of people talking about this!

i don't think the world is going to end just because some Mayan callender ended on 2012.

i guess, we'll just have to wait until 2013 to find out :)
2009-08-04 20:56:51 UTC
It's like the same think as Y2K, if you know what that was. If the Mayans were so smart, and predicted the end of the world, wouldn't they still be alive?
2009-08-04 20:57:31 UTC
The world will change a lot. the temperatures will change around the world, and maybe some natural disasters. but not total destruction. Don't worry.
2009-08-04 20:59:44 UTC
not sure

if you go and look at all the evidence its just alot of people who predict the end in 2012 the myans and aristotol or was it sacratese and some people in asia or africa all predicted the same day and none of them had any comunication
2009-08-04 20:59:12 UTC
well no one can know for sure. i wouldnt worry about it. if it happens it happens. nothing you can really do so if it DOES end, which im not counting on, enjoy your years instead of worrying. i dont personally have any reason to believe that it will, but it could really end any second. we just have no way of knowing 100%
2009-08-04 20:58:09 UTC
omg this is so stupid.

know one has a clue when it will end

but the lord above!

the world was also suppose to end one 6/6/6,

but did you see anything bad happen?
JC Cowboy
2009-08-04 21:02:45 UTC
Well you're 13. You're not going to know much about how people make believable lies and bullshit each other until you're at least 20. Even then, you won't be very smart about it.
2009-08-04 20:57:28 UTC
it ain't ganna end its just obama putting the new world order the new world order is bad you go to hell if you take the rfid chip

btw im 13 also
jen mcg
2009-08-04 20:56:35 UTC
live your life to its fullest now and dont let the scary things people say scare you. You are too young to have such worries, live life and stop wondering about this.its not happening
2009-08-04 21:02:14 UTC
They've been saying that the world was going to end for years. Don't believe that crap.
Meu Bom FuTeBoL JoGo !
2009-08-04 21:00:17 UTC
i hope so because i'll graduate high school by then haha i'm soo messed up =P... seriously tho i don't really think it will. We humans have too much in life to accompilish =)
2009-08-04 20:58:23 UTC
just go and get laid as much as possibl in 2011. and if its not the end of the world, well atleast you have a fun story!

2009-08-04 20:58:30 UTC
you never know what can happen...

but personally I don't think it will

but don't fret about it live life to the fullest

you going to pass one day regardless

so heck have fun and all that when your young
2009-08-04 20:57:36 UTC
in the Bible it says that the world will end when Jesus also states that NO ONE not even the mormans will be able to determine that date! you have nothing to worry about hun!
Micky C
2009-08-04 21:02:22 UTC
LOL it better not, im 13 too! I better lose my virginity before the world ends!
2009-08-04 20:58:35 UTC
okay one, the world wont end, the calendar with change...our dates will be shortened


and two everyone just thinks it will when the calendar actually changes
2009-08-04 20:57:00 UTC
Know one knows for sure.. just live ur life to the fullist
2009-08-04 20:55:57 UTC
Nope. The Mayans will have been disappointed
2009-08-04 20:57:51 UTC
i could end then, it could end now, it could have ended two days ago theres no real way to know until its happening. i don't think so, hey everyone thought would at Y2K
2009-08-04 20:56:35 UTC
nostrodomus says it will but im gonna live life and just see for myself
2009-08-04 20:56:25 UTC
no but some changes will take place !

may b 4 d better :)
Jacquie D
2009-08-04 20:56:20 UTC
No the world will not end but I think we will have another world war.
Tiny Werewolf
2009-08-04 20:56:28 UTC
If you believe in mumbo jumbo and hoogily moogily.
2009-08-04 21:02:47 UTC
evidently, no. but they could be correct on earthquakes or fires, strange, but yet correct people. Trust our god! he came first!!
2009-08-04 20:57:07 UTC
noooo!!!!!!!! december 22, 2012 you will be laughing that you asked this question and you will be drinking tea with me
2009-08-04 20:57:03 UTC
No, there's no evidence to support this theory C:
2009-08-04 20:56:30 UTC
it's not going to end any time soon
2009-08-04 20:55:59 UTC

the mayans just ran out of paper.
2009-08-04 20:55:30 UTC
the mayans belive so
2009-08-04 20:56:59 UTC
it better not

thats the year i graduate lol
Saul C
2009-08-04 20:56:15 UTC
*** no there is no possibel way nor is there proof thats its going to end so dont worry .
2009-08-04 21:42:16 UTC
nope, and the mayans will be piiiiiiiiisssssed.
Ricky C.
2009-08-04 20:56:11 UTC
i guezz we'll know when itz 2012
2009-08-04 20:56:48 UTC
idk tell yah truth, they sed the world would hav ende be for as well but the callender never stoped unitl that time so idk , its a hard quetion but will see later... hav a goo dlife wile u still can just in case...
2009-08-04 20:56:01 UTC
its not going to till like 2015
2009-08-04 20:56:25 UTC
of corse not!!!that is a lie..the only one that know that is god ..not even the angels!..its in the bible..
2009-08-04 20:56:25 UTC
drinking antifreeze will protect you from the world ending.
Warren Davenport
2009-08-04 20:56:05 UTC
No it's a load of crap.
2009-08-04 20:56:51 UTC
no!!! stop flipping out.
Chelsea :]
2009-08-04 20:56:24 UTC
december 21, yeppp but mabey. idk but if you are scared, like me, go to a friends house, who has a basment, if you dont and hide in a small corner. mabey watch tv. i have a tv in my basement. keep you're mind on something else, or just live you're life regular and see what happens :]
2009-08-04 20:56:15 UTC
not happening.
2009-08-04 20:55:48 UTC
Words of Wisdom
2009-08-04 20:55:18 UTC
Mitsuki M
2009-08-04 20:56:05 UTC
NO !!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.